
8:25 AM - New Snes9X, version 1.38 
Snes9X got an update to v1.38, yay! Some of the new features are better DSP-1
emulation (you can play Pilotwings now!) from the ZSnes team, some improved sound code from
Anti Resonance, and support for DeJap's graphics packs so you can play Star Ocean! Yes,
this sounds like quite a great release doesn't it :) So go download it already :p I'll be updating Snes9X.CHM later, though
nobody likely ever downloads it :o
Also, I somehow forgot to update about mIRC v5.91. Oops. It was
released over a month ago. I don't know how I missed posting about it, I mean, I did
download it... Bah. Either way, it can be downloaded at its website.
5:15 PM - An update? Yes! Half-Life 
Half-Life finally got another update, this time to version
There's not much new really. Makes me wonder why it's a durn 15 MB download. Go figure.
I'm just awaiting the Counter-Strike update that should be out soon :)
6:32 PM - Winamp v2.76 released 
And here is our nice pretty what's new list:
- ryan fixed shuffle!
- christophe added IE URL drag and drop capability
- faster FFTs for vis on WAV/CDDA playback
- fixes RealPlayer's .xpl association bug
- AVS 2.5 (new effects, speedups, smaller presets, etc)
- TinyVis 2001. Includes fast, highly trippy "Random Intelligent Visualization"
- Peter's latest and greatest MIDI plug-in
I haven't downloaded it yet, but I hope that random visualization thing
is as interesting as it sounds.
8:36 AM - Website maintenance 
I changed the copyright year on all the pages to 2001. Also,
a friend of mine pointed out four duplicate jokes on the Yo Mama's so Fat page. How
did I miss four whole dupes? I'll never know :p Just when you think you got 'em all
eh? Oh well. I also pointed the mIRC navbar link to my Geocities site, just to be sure
Geocities doesn't block downloads due to referrer problems.
10:20 AM - Winamp v2.75 out 
What's new? Well:
- avs 2.4.9 (interface improvements, speedups, new dynamic movement effect (yay!))
- made skin installing do better renaming (removes [1], etc)
- some new sample avs presets (thanks to Zen-X and Marco Muraca, Frank Nagel)
- MASSIVELY optimized directory scanning and removed multi-add bugs
- fixes to in_mod and in_midi.
- fixed some NT/2K uninstall issues.
- updated winamp agent with full color icon
- temporarily removed in_asfs from full distribution (security issue)
While I was at it, I removed all the old news from last year. Now
this page should load a good bit faster.
6:00 PM - mIRC updated to v5.9 
At long last, a new version of mIRC! Included in this update are
many nice new features, such as built-in transparency (Win2K only), and for any scripters
that are familiar with C programming you can use the ! operator in if's. if (!$exists(me.txt))
will now work :) Also, you shouldn't need to use as many [ ]'s in identifiers. Tons more
neat things too, so check the versions.txt file. You can download it from the official website.
9:56 PM - Winamp updated to 2.74 
As usual, they released it well before they bothered to update
their website. I think I'll have to start following the boards. Either way, here's
the what's new list:
- fixed vis shutdown related bugs (message pump is run while waiting for safety)
- cleaned up some startup code
- fixed layer 2 i/s bug in in_mp3
- fixed HTTP/1.1 + Apache CGI issues in in_mp3.
- improved HTTP auth support in in_mp3 .. it's the *****!
- updated to new in_midi version (go PP)
- new AVS with Overlay support
- made uninstall use NSIS's uninstaller
Yeah, I replaced a word with *'s, so sue me :p Either way, download
it and have fun, at least until the next update or better yet Winamp 3
comes out :)
8:40 AM - New Yo Mama Joke added 
Thanks to someone named amra, I have a new yo mama joke on the Misc. page:
Yo mama so dark, someone shot at her last night and the bullets came back asking for directions.
Thanks again amra, and if any of you find a double or a good joke I
don't have, feel free to send it in :)
9:42 PM - Winamp updated to 2.73 
And as usual, their website isn't updated right when Winamp is released.
I wish they'd quit doing that! :p
What's new list:
- Smaller main winamp.EXE
- New AVS version with larger interface
- Seeking for HTTP/1.1 streamed MP3 files
- Improved minibrowser functionality
- Updated versions of MOD and MIDI plug-ins (thanks Jake and PP)
- Made out_wm smaller (32k->7k)
- Updated to newer, more efficient installer (1.1o)
- Fixed on CDDA related bug.
10:20 PM - Half-Life and Counter-Strike updates 
Half-Life was updated to version today. Along with that,
Counter-Strike was updated to verion 1.1. With these updates come updated TFC models,
and other less (and more) noticable differences. Go. Download. Play. 'nuff said. :)
I also fixed an extra 's' in the title of my website. For some
stupid reason, all my pages said eXonytes's Realm. Oops. Oh well, that's what I get
for designing websites past midnight :p
1:05 AM - Fixed the mIRC page 
The mIRC page broke because Liquid2K decided it didn't want people
to upload .zip files. Bah. I changed all the links to point to the files at Geocities
so that section should work again. Also took down the VGX-Files because that wasn't
getting anywhere :p I would've mentioned AC's update today, but they're doing it a week
later than usual. Oh well, catch ya later. Winamp should be updated real soon... Yeah,
I also put the BannerCentral (LinkExchange) banner back up, just need to make an actual
banner for this website, the old CyberHawk's Domain banner is still in rotation. :p
6:00 PM - Happy birthday to me! 
This morning, at 5:02 AM specifically, I turned 18! Yeh, good for me.
Now I can get into night clubs and stuff like that ;) Nah, either way, guess we'll see
if it's any different from 17, won't we? I also changed the scrollbar's colors. If you're
using Internet Explorer 5+ you'll see that it matches the rest of the website. :)
7:23 PM - How quiet it is... 
Nothing's really been updated lately. One thing is ICQ, as usual, quietly released v4.63 Build #3279.
Anyone else wonder when they're going to get out of beta? :p
1:34 PM - Snes9X Updated to 1.36 
The zipfile appears to be corrupted, but it'll be fixed shortly.
Until then just download the installer version. This version doesn't add any new features,
but fixes many problems with games including Super Punchout and other games that were
broken last version.
12:20 PM - Stuff going on 
Oops... I was still putting 2000 on my updates ;) Oh well, fixed that
and the wrong date on the last update. Man I wish I had CGI and stuff...
Winamp v2.72 was released, along with Winamp 3 Alpha 3. Since Nullsoft apparently
doesn't want the alpha getting very far, I won't be posting the URL for it. You'll have to
find it yourself like I did, sorry! :p If you notice the date on the right for Winamp 2.72 is
way before today, I'm putting the date in Winamp's about box, not the date it was released.
There should also be an update to Snes9X, so I'll keep an eye on that site today and
Also, Liquid2K took down my downloads. I'm gonna have to e-mail them and
complain later ;) I'll get them fixed when I have time.
1:54 PM - Snes9X Windows port v1.35 
Snes9X was updated to version 1.35 yesterday afternoon. Among the
fixes are some SPC700 tweaks which allow many games to work better, and solves some
lockups in games such as Chrono Trigger.
10:50 AM - Asheron Calls, I answer... 
It's being updated, ETA is basically any time now :p Nothing else new
to report though. Bye!
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