Jamie's Homepage
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Page created 8/30/97

I am 15 and I not too smart with this computer stuff, my older brother Chris helped me get started.  I go to school at Roswell High in Georgia.  I pass my classes using a great page called school sucks forever.  It has many free papers to download, print and turn in for an A.  My favorite thing to do is go Snow Skiing, my big brother and my dad are even Ski Patrol men.  I am a ski instructerer at a small but fun slope in N. Carolina called SKI SCALY.  I plan to go to Auburn University in AL and become a cop, (that is why the blue lights are at the bottom) hopefully major in criminal law or something like that.

This is my new puppy boxer, Bud, click here to see more!!!!!

Click here to see pictures of Bud's cast!

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Wana virtual soda?


Come see me in Georgia!!
Sorry, I did not mean to scare you!          Did you go see Bud?