Doc Hollywoods Personal Homepage

Hi! Welcome to my homepage!
My real name is Bill.
As you can tell by the pictures above I'm in the U.S. NAVY. I'm currently stationed
at COMMANDER SEVENTH FLEET. I work in the Fleet Surgeons office, and we are permenently embarked
on board the USS BLUE RIDGE (LCC 19). We are homeported in Yokosuka, Japan which is located
just 45 minutes south of Tokyo.
Most of you know me as DocHWood, from ANOTHER.NET. where I can be found chatting in my favorite channels
which are;
or I can be found helping someone with either MIRC (the irc program that rules!)
or chanserv, nickserv, or memoserv commands in one of my own channels;
I started ircing on the DALNET back in August of 1996, in a channel called
#30-40+ and met some of the friendliest people that you could ever hope to meet!
I then followed them to ANOTHER.NET (after a two week search to find them) and
have truely been addicted to IRC ever since.
Links to other sites on the Web
#FINSANDFUN CHANNEL OPS click here to view the home page of all of your friendly ops.
LYNDA'S HOMEPAGE click here to view one of the best pages ever, by one of my first and dearest irc friends!
© 1996 here to drop me an email.
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