Matt's Homepage!!!
"For God so loved the world..." John 3:16
Welcome to my page. Just so you know a little about me, I'm 19 years old and I am currently attending my 4th college institution in just only my second year. I have managed to move colleges every semester and even states a couple of those times, two to be exact. I have just decided that I want to get into legal law assistance for the time being, it's the only thing that really sounds appealing to me whatsoever. I love to play baseball and plan on trying out for the local American Legion team here in town. Oh, the town, that would be Enterprise, Alabama, what, never heard of it.....don't feel bad, nobody has. Well if you want to know more about me and my past, then go ahead and look around, there's lots to see. Oh, and sorry ladies, I'm taken by the most wonderful girl in Enterprise, not to metnion most beautiful also:-)
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My Sports Page
My Senior Prom
Championship Season
Pics of me and my girlfriend
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