Hi there, please come in and join us

My nick is Gemini Rising .. a.k.a. Maczet .. but everyone just calls me GR now *S*

Please switch off the background music here if it bugs you. You are also free to visit the virtual jukebox to select music of your own choice.

Golden Thoughts

The girl's names are on their pics further down, under previous postings

The backbone of Milady's has always been the Message Posting sections.. the old system has now ceased with the closure of the Ifnet Fantasy Island site, but the previous postings have been preserved here in HTML for all to read and enjoy, should they so wish.

However, we do now have a new Message Board which we are trying.

So please post any Messages you may have in the Messages Section below.

Please feel free to contact me as usual via my e-mail, or the Message Board.

Milady's Links Pages

Looking for one of our Links only? Press the links button here

There is also a poetry and a travel section which I have now increased, for those of you who like to see different places of interest around the world.


select some background music of your choice, to play while you are here

Virtual Bar

over 3000 different drink recipes available at the Virtual Bar

What's on the Menu?

.. Hopefully a little something for all tastes ..

Message Board Postings

There are some great .. RECIPES .. in here, including links to traditional recipes from other countries.

.. use the search engine to put in 'Cajun' or 'chicken' or whatever you wish

.. even 'breakfast' with the ingredients you have available ..

it will find the recipe of your choice

.. over 5000 recipes in there

Atsilusgi's .. authentic .. Cherokee Indian Recipes

GR's Bike Links For the "Wild at heart"

Mac's Picture Gallery

.. I will be adding to these pics, but in the meanwhile, this contains real and or Fantasy pics of some of the most interesting people and friends I have met on the Internet

If the pic is not you, this is how I picture you, while sitting at my Computer, usually from 6000 miles away.

Should anyone wish to update their pic with a more recent or older one, please feel free to email it to me

I will change it *evil grin*

Previous Postings

originating from the old Ifnet Fantasy Island Posting site

Girl's Talk 1 2 3 4

Kiss of Fantasy 1 2 3 4 5 6

Alpha & Omega Poetry


Alpha and Omega .. the beginning and the end .. the source of some inspired poetry

Centaurus is one of the largest constellations in the Southern Hemisphere.

Its brightest star, Alpha Centauri, is the third brightest star in the heavens

and a member of a triple star system that includes Proxima Centauri, the

nearest known star to the Earth, other than the Sun, at a distance of 4.3

light years.

The constellation also contains the brightest and nearest of the globular

clusters, Omega Centauri, a system of about 50,000 stars at a distance of

20,000 light years.

Many miles apart, yet always within sight of one another, Alpha and Omega

.. the first, last and always ... the brightest star and the brightest

cluster ... apart from; yet a part of, one another ...

have been the inspiration of some beautiful poetry.

Girls, ... please feel free to add to the poems, should you feel the
inspiration to so. Send them to me at my email address
they do not have to be of an A & O theme .. just email them, instead of
on bits of paper or hidden away in your puters. I will convert them to
permanent HTML files so that they will not be forgotten. Your poetry can
then be shared and enjoyed by others as well. Please share wih us girls.
Most poems are written at special moments in our lives - preserve them.
. .
Alpha & Omega Poetry 1

Alpha & Omega Poetry 2

Milady's Links Page

. US WEATHER FORECASTS .. for YOUR area .. Good luck *S*

STARTING POINT The News . Shopping . Weather . Magazines . Locator

Chat Rooms



PLEASE NOTE .. **Internet Chat Exchange and Inreach Chat are Java enabled**

For your reading pleasure
.. An Oasis of Stories and Links.

Go to "The Pullet Surprize" .. Poems and short stories ..

Craig's Cavern .. Poems by my friend Craig Tait

"The Zine Rack" .. A wide choice of magazines ..

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