The (Unofficial) Capricorn High School Home Page

Voster Street
Phone: (015) 295-9333/4
Fax: (015)295-5165

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I don't think there is an "Official" home page for Capricorn High, but hopefully you will get what you were looking for from this page.

What has changed at Capricorn

When I was in Mitchell Boys Hostel, the prefects (my self included) used a punishment of sending the pupil or pupils to the shooting range to fetch a piece of lead, this was a run across the length of the school ground and back, well here's the update..... the shooting range is gone. It has been turned into more cricket nets. (Oct 2000)

Class of '90
Colin Andraos
Ashley Anthony
Duncan Badenhorst
Deane Baker
Kerry-Lee Bannel
Gerald Bertrand
Nina Bester
Else Bezuidenhout
Samantha Boonzaier
Tertia Boshoff
Anthony Brett
Wayne Bruinett
Tanya Brunnad
Shayne Byrne
Heather Cameron
Sean Carolan

Angela Chapman
Rex Chen
Robin Chen
Michelle Coetzee
Vivienne Cohen
Antonio Costa
Vaughn Cragg
Natalee Dean
Louisa de Bruin
Donna de Goveiva
Declan de Jager
Linda de Kock
Cherri-Ann Deverneuil
Ryan de Vos
Daring Dunkley
Joey du Plessis

Linda du Plessis
Garth du Plooy
Carmen Durham
Bernadette Engelbrecht
Maria Erasmus
Trevor Erlank
Darrin Erskine
Mark Evans
Armando Ferreira
Eleanor Foster
Tiffany Fraser
Gary Frodsham
Shirlee-Shane Garner
Bryn George
Hilary Glover
Stuart Grierson

Kerry Hall
Edwina Hallas
Sylvia Hanekom
Chloe Hardy
John Harpestad
Geoffrey Hawkins
Michelle Horner
Janna Hulme
Tonya Hume
Lee Hunt
Nicos Iacovou
Robin Jenkins
Iain Johnstone
Marina Karassellos
Gregory Keartland
Graeme Kelly

David Kennedy
Nicola Lee
Vicki Leisk
Sally Liebenburg
Paul Linn
Arlene Llewellyn
Glenda Lourens
Lynette-Sue Louw
Rosemarie Louw
Dale Macdonald
Alexander Mackay
Saly Maggs 
Andrew Matthis
Stuart Mc Bean
Lesley Mc Clure
Candice Mc Grevy

Belinda Mc Killop
Sergio Mendes
Kosta Michaelides
Emmanuel Moreira
Anthoula Natsis
Trudi Nel
Terri-Lee Nel
Bradley Newham
Lisl Newman
Charlayne North
Chantelle Opperman
Kathleen Palmer
Adam Pawson
Cheryl Pearce
Jeanine Penn-Goff
Lizette Pereira

Jeanine Phillips
Deborah Pienaar
Peter Powell
Winston Preston
Charlotte Pretorius
Rhyn Promnitz
Peter Pullinger
Narina Punter
Nicole Putterie
Sara-Jane Quixley
Cindy Rayne
Natasha Reeves
Kirstin Robinson
Bridgette Rodger
Clair Rodger
Antonio Rodrigues

David Roome
Carol-Anne Russon
Rosaria Sardinha
Michelle Schnetler
William Schoeman
Amanda Schonken
Dianne Schulenburg
Mignonne Sella-Rolando
Mirella Sella-Rolando
Leigh Smith
Linda Smith
Neal Soutter
Karen Sprowson
Nicola Steenkamp
Rosslyn Stoltz
Dieter Storbeck

Petronella Sudbury
Stephen Symonds
Tracey Taylor
Bruce Terre Blanche
Brenda Thomas
Bruce Thompson
Shelton Thorburn
Paulette Tindle
Patricia Toms
Grant Trueman
Neil Trueman
Elna van der Merwe
Lee van Kraayenburg
Nicholas Vauqulin
Jacqueline Venter
Jorge Vilar

Mandy Von Berg
Jonathan Wagner
Beverley Watson
Shayne Watson
Karl Waugh
Denise Wescomb
Colin Wheeler
Jason Worth


  If you have any comments suggestions or anything of
intrest to add, you can get my contact details on

Last Changed 2 Jan 2004