what do ya think it would be like yoyoin' in space?

The First yoyo in outer space?

No, the first SILVER BULLET in space!!!

The POWERSPIN- this is a good yoyo, but not a good looper,it has a transaxle that allows it to spin for about 15-18 seconds,plenty of time to do the most complex tricks. The FIREBALL- This yoyo is constructed in the imperial version, not the modified version as the powerspin, it is much more heavier than the powerspin which gives it a longer spin time,15-20 seconds. The RAIDER-this yoyo is quite pricy for the performance that it gives out,my personal suggestion is to buy a TERMINATOR TORNADO, this yoyo is lighter,and still has a ball bearing transaxle which gives it spin times just as long as the RAIDER,about 45 to one minute,and about 18 dollars cheaper.Plus the halves of the TORNADO are made of shatter-proof plastic,which makes it much more durable when your string breaks and it flies across the room into the wall. The SILVER BULLET 2-this yoyo made by Dr. Tom Kuhn, and is made of aircraft alluminum,and delivers spinners in excess of 2 minutes,I have heard about it being a good yoyo,but I have personaly seen that it stinks! so either my friend got a dud or the Silver Bullet 2 really is bad. CHECK BACK SOON FOR MORE RATINGS!!!

Lend me some tricks and tips so that I can put them on my page!

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