Hi there, welcome to my personal web site. I hope you enjoy your stay here and you find some links and information to make your life on the net easier and more enjoyable.
Click here to find out more about me. What I do for a living, my likes my dislikes. The things I do for fun. There's more pics of me and other things as well.
Check out my buddies. Yes I actually do hang out with these people. And we do have a great time together!
This is the spot where you'll find links to usefull programs for working and playing on the net. Links to Apple, Netscape, Microsoft, and Irc clients like Ircle.
Things to do in and around Canada's Capital, and links to Ottawa based sites.
As you may have figured out by my web site, I'm a graphic/multimedia designer. You can view examples of my work by clicking here. feel free to contact me if you like what you see.
Art Supplies is where you'll find links to graphics software and hardware companies on the net. My favorites being Adobe, Fractal and Meta tools.
Links to the media, motion picture studios, animation studios, online music, game manufacturers, and more.
Links to travel, vacation spots, transportation companies, national tourism offices. For those times when you just gotta get away!
Links to gay/bi/les groups, organizations, and businesses on the web.
Looking for that someone special out there. Try these links to personal ads and other singles spots. Happy hunting!
So you want to see some prime examples of the male physique, look no further than these links to some of the best galleries on the net. NOTE: these links are for people over the age of 18 only!!
Exactly what it says. Its assorted links that I really don't know what to do with otherwise! but hey I use them.
Copyright Gary R. Kane
This site and all graphics on it are the property of Gary Kane and may not be used without permission
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