Greetings earthling! Congratulations for finding my page, you have done something that most people haven't been able to do. If you can think of any thing I could do to get more people to come here, I would be more than happy to listen to your thoughts. As you can see my page is still under alot of construction. I'm very busy with work and all, so if you're expecting any changes please be patient and sorry for the mess. If you think of anything I can do to improve it just email your thoughts to me at: marv_m@hotmail.com Please be sure to include the word marvin in the subject so it will not be filtered out as junk mail.

If you find some pictures or files that you like on my page, feel free to borrow them for your own page. But if they are pictures that I have uploaded to my page, beware, because I'm not sure how long they will be there.