This here is GooBoy & you've stumbled into my world where everything's just a wee bit crazy, if I do say so myself! Here you'll find links to all my favorite reststops on the internet, as well as pics & sounds that I find extremely cool.
Here's a little background on myself...
I was born in Louisville, KY on a chilly morning in November. It must've been real chilly that morning, because my whilly whacker was so tiny that my parents went around for hours telling everyone they had just had a baby girl! Thank goodness all that's changed now! Hee, hee.
By the time I was 15 I was playing the guitar & was well on my way to being the next Beatles. Only problem was, I was alone...so naturally I didn't become the next Beatles, although in trying to do so I almost became the next Sybill. Whew!
After graduating high school, I left music behind to become the next Stephen King. Only problem was, I didn't exactly like writing...so naturally I didn't become the next Stephen King, although I still do read him & get very jealous when I read my old stories. Damn!

The drunk sleepy guy on the left is me!
Now I spend time at my computer, hoping to become the next Bill Gates. Only problem is, I think Bill Gates is a nerd and -- hey wait a minute, I'm kind of a nerd! Whoo hoo! Me & Bill, two of a kind! (You would think my bank account would be a lot bigger, though.) Sigh.
And now introducing LINKS!
Here you'll find all my favorite haunts on the web. Just click an icon below and off you'll go. But be sure to come back often, because as my webpage skills improve, so too will my webpage (at least that's how it works in theory!).

If you chat via IRC, be sure to drop by my channel, #GooSpot & we'll discuss all the important issues in life: Women, women, & computer games! Whoo hoo! You can also drop me a line by e-mail using either of the following two links:
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Hello! I'm GooSpot. Whenever you see me, GooBoy can't be far behind! Whenever you see me on a webpage, you'll know it has GooBoy's seal of approval as one of the best kickass webpages around!By the way, you are visitor