The Bubsies have bought an apartment that is currently being built in Beit Horon - about 10 minutes North-West of Jerusalem on road 443 (the Ben Shemen Road) about a third of the distance from Givat Ze'ev to Modi'in. The apartment is meant to be finished in February (accroding to the contract) and the Bubsies look forward to moving in as soon as possible. |
As you can see from the picture here, Adiyah arrived in a picnic hamper rather than in the more conventional manner (i.e. by a stork). Mrs. Bubsie still took an epidural...... just in case!!!
If you would like to get to know Adiyah a little better, then come this way.(updated 28th January, 1998). |
The bubsies second child - Michal Li'el was born 15th June, 1999 - another beautiful healthy girl - and, of course, another epidural!
Number's three and four - arrived on 1st May 2001. A boy, Avichai, Moshe Nissan Yitzchak, and - 12 minutes later - a girl Talya Oshra. Two more beautiful babies and only one epidural.
No'a Sara Ma'ayan - number five - arrived on 17th October May 2004. Adored and spoiled by all her siblings.
The Bubsies are both natives of England. Mrs. B is a Leodensian and Mr. B is from the Greater London area. Little Bubsie is a Sabra.
To e-mail the Bubsies, please write to them at
That's all for now. Please come back soon to see the lastest in BubsieMania