The Requisite Welcome
Thanks for visiting my personal web site.
Gone is the creepy music, skeletons and dankness of FunkyTroll's Cave on the web. The Cave as underwent spring cleaning and received an overhaul.
This web site might look small at first glance, but it has over 100 pages. I hope you'll discover something here that is worthy of your time. Enjoy what you can, ignore the rest. If any of my opinions upset you, try to remember that the world won't end if we don't agree.
Some pages of this web site are updated frequently.

Links that Show Up to the minute Sports Info
CDFL Insider - Newsletter of the Cleveland Dave Football League
Major League Baseball
This site has 10 main sections
What's New?
My First internet blog - catch up with me and see what adventures I have been on lately.
Hayashi Silver Dragons
Official Website of the CDFL's best Fantasy Football team. Updated Frequently during the season - All of the articles, scores and information you need to become a Silver Dragon aficionado .
Who Am I?
Information about your host. Including likes & dislikes and biographical information.
But I digress...
I have a lot of crazy ideas, plus random thoughts on various topics.
My Journeys
My Grandparents always took me on trips as a kid. The open road has called ever since.
Trollinger Grapes
I had the opportunity to become the first person outside of Germany to grow grapes bearing my family name. Unfortunately I tried to help them growth with fertilizer and they didn't survive. This link has info on the Trollinger grapes (not my dead ones)
Carlene Thompson
My college English teacher is a mystery writer. Check out her works.
Who wants to hire me?
Never hurts to ask - Need help with project management, marketing, database design / maintenance or maybe a little simple web page help? Take a look at my resume and see how I can help. National Park Service, FBI, Border Patrol or CIA jobs would also be appreciated.
Database Designs
I have worked with FileMaker Pro for 12 years - both designing and maintaning relational databases. For a nominal fee, I could design databases that would make things easier for you.
Own a Piece of the Empire
Want to own a piece of the Mark Trollinger collection? I am here to help. I have tons of beanie babies, comic books and various items that I am looking to sell. Maybe pick up some Hayashi Silver Dragon merchandise too.
Be sure to check out my Favorite Bookmarks page while you are here. More and more people are using it as their home page.