Welcome to the Squirrel Nut Zippers' Unofficial Webpage....Well, almost. Before you go there, I added some choices so you can make the right decision to find out what you want to know. Whether it be just to sign the guestbook to make contact with Ken of the Zippers, or to visit my page, let your destination become reality.
Just Updated May 28, 1999! New Katharine Whalen's Squad page added with new tour dates and tentative solo cd information! Also, Information on What's Up with the Zippers!?!
*****QUESTION OF THE MONTH: What does SNZ music mean to you?*****
Email me at D040874@erols.com and let me know what you think!
This site is working in affiliation with soundstone.com to promote great music! Squirrel Nut Zipper releases can be found at SoundStone.Com, rated the best online music store by lycos!
This page is dedicated to the memory of Summer, who died of Kidney Cancer.....See Summer Swing Dance here.