I see you have finally
made it to my webpage. I try to update it as much as I can. I do have a life, mind you.
NEW PICS, 2nd Page of NEW pics
I am an 19 year old female that is a Sophomore in college. Yep that's me. Class of 2004. I'm at Saint Mary's College. Yeah- I know it is an all girls school. I kinda noticed that on my first day. Oh well- the Notre Dame guys are right across the street! Sounds fun huh? I'm not sure if I'm going to stay there or not, I'm giving it one more year to be fair to SMC and myself. I had a rough semester so SMC gets one more chance.
I like to travel, and I had my first business trip this summer. I went to a trade show called Equitana in Louisville. One of my jobs sells shredded rubber for horse arenas and I got to help sell our product for a week. It was pretty cool, I got to stay in an awesome hotel for free and everything was paid for. The funny thing is that I don't own horses and I have only ridden horses twice... so when they'd ask me questions I had NO clue how to answer. Now I know tons about the product. Just ask :-P My first major trip by myself was the trip was to Phoenix. I went to the Fiesta Bowl with my friends to support my team. Yeah- so we aren't the luckiest girls in the world- it isn't my fault we lost!
I like to get away and meet new people. It is really fun. I used to have an explanation for each of my pages, but it just made the page take longer to load. So- to make it simpler on all of you who visit my page, I have just put the names of the pages. You can click on those and then there will be an explanation along with the page. Just make sure that go all the way down to the bottom of the page so you don't miss anything. About Me
My QuOtEs PaGe!!! Just Updated =)
Pictures from my Fiesta Bowl trip
Take my two quizzes!!! The Quotes Quiz andThe Quiz About Me!
A Letter That You Can Give Advice For
Another Letter That You Can Give Advice For
You can email me at steph00_98@yahoo.com.
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Links to other sites on the Web
Becky's Page
Jim's Homepage
The Park Chat
And just in case you missed these earlier:
Get Advice!!
My Poetry Page
My Opinion On MuSiC And MoViEs!!!
1997 steph00_98@yahoo.com