Middletown Township Fire Department

Welcome to the Middletown Township Fire Department (MTFD), Middletown, New Jersey.
Click here to read a brief history of the MTFD.
The MTFD consists of the following:
11 Companies:
Station 1 : Navesink Hook & Ladder Fire Company No.1
Station 2 : Brevent Park and Leonardo Company
Station 3 : Belford Engine Company No.1
Station 4 : Community Fire Company
Station 5 : East Keansburg Fire Company No.1
Station 6 : Port Monmouth Fire Company No.1
Station 7 : Belford Independent Fire Company
Station 8 : Middletown Fire Company No.1
Station 9 : River Plaza Hose Company No.1
Station 10 : Lincroft Fire Company
Station 11 : Old Village Fire Company
Specialized Units:
Air Unit
Field Communications Unit
Fire Police
Special Services: HazMat, Confined Space Teams, Specialized Rescue
Middletown Township Fire Academy (MTFA)
MTFD Fire Safety Trailer
Fire Explorer Post 911

Fire department seeks individuals who are willing to
work hard and give back to their community.
Job Description: Individual will protect life and property from fire after a period of free training.
Must be willing to: get dirty, lift heavy objects, work long hours, stare fire in the face and laugh
Hours: Individual will be on call 24 hours a day, 7 days a week
Pay: Free
Become a volunteer member of the Middletown Township Fire Department. Those interested in joining can become firefighting or social members of one of our companies. Firefighting members receive hands-on training at the Middletown Township Fire Academy for free. These members must be 18+ years old. Social members assist in the operation of and fundraising for the fire companies.
Though membership is volunteer, you can qualify for the Length of Sevice Awards Program (LoSAP), as well as the admiration of your community for helping to protect them.
If you are under 18 years of age, then Fire Explorer Post 911 may be right for you. This is the MTFD's young up and coming members. The Explorers get an early start towards becoming fire fighters. They participate in live demonstrations, trips, and can provide limited help at fire scenes.
To become a member of the Middletown Township Fire Department, please email your name, address, and phone number to M_T_F_D@hotmail.com.

Other things within this page:
The Chiefs Page
See who the Chiefs of the MTFD are and find out who had the job before them.
The Memorial Page
Honor the deceased men and women who gave their oath to be Fire Fighters.

MTFD Photos by Brevent Park & Leonardo Fire Co. member Jon C. Hodgson

Contact Information:
If you would like to contact the MTFD, please e-mail us.
Any postal address or phone number needed must be requested by e-mail.

Thank you for visiting the Middletown Township Fire Department HomePage.
Please check back for any updates.

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The MTFD HomePage is hosted by GeoCities
This website was created on February 25, 1997.