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Sknit's HomePage

1407 Graymalkin Lane WWW

Hey there everyone! Gee I actually decided to update this? WOW!!! J

My name is Harold JAY Taylor (I prefer to go by Jay, if your first name were Harold you would understand) . ;-) For those of you that don't know me, I am a 32 year old divorced father of 2 wonderful children.

I have been on line for what seems like forever now. Starting out on dial-up BBSs and then graduation to the wonderful world of the Internet a few years ago. I know enough HTML to get by, and if you need a little basic help with setting up a page just let me know and I will be MORE than happy to help you out! J

I am in the Army, I love swimming, music, theater and just being weird. I hope to bring Info about my favorite activities, places and people to this page, so check back!

 HERE IT IS!!! MY Picture page!!!


More about me!

What I did on my KUWAITI vacation.

Motivational Posters you MIGHT have Missed.

Here are some other pages I have done.

The Taylor Family Tree!

PLATINUM BLONDE!!! My first FAN page! (Remember them?)

The Dark Side Of Genius Beware… This is a collection of poems and things mostly that I wrote. Caution… This is not for everyone, and may be disturbing to some viewers.

Below are some pages I enjoy, check them out and I hope you like them too!

Links to my favorite music sites on the Web

ELP! Emerson Lake & Plamer!
The Orange Alert Web site GREAT Indie bands from Toronto

Links to cool people on the Web

Domino's House O' Domination (She is sooooo cool!)


TC's Home Page

My great friend Nightangel

Links to cool places on the Web

A cool Red Dwarf page!

Read my Dreambook!
Sign my Dreambook!


Well, thats about it ...for now! Hope to see you soon! TTFN! Huggz Squggies Jay

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© 1996 Sknit

All Contents Copyright.
Last revised: 04 March 1999… Well SORTA!