

Merry Christmas 2008

Welcome to my home on the net. Christmas is my favorite time of the year. The decorations, the candy and cookies are great but because it is when we celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ, our Lord. We pray for peace and love and so seldom are there truly either. This year is no exception. So I think we need to add tolerance and understanding of our differences as well as peace and love. I think we all need to pray very hard this year.

This year is extra special for us. We have many friends in Iraq or other places in that part of the world. We pray for their safely as well as all our Troops. Our prayers are with them and their families.

Our son in law JR will be home for Christmas but will be leaving soon after to finish training for their deployment to Iraq. To say the least we are thankful he will be home for a week for the holidays.

Also Katie's boyfriend Andrew will beer with us and he too will be leaving in January for Iraq. Please pray for both of them in the New Year.

Over the years we have had many Marines who are not with their families at our table. I don't know if we'll have any extras this year but if Katie or Andrew know any who would like to come they will be more than welcome. It is the way it is with military families.

Please pray for all our Troops where ever they are in the world. They will be away from family and friends and need and deserve our prayers and support.

Please look at my other Christmas related sites. They are a lot of fun.

All links should open to a new window.

This link will take you to my Homemade Christmas Goodies page . There you find links to the different catagories of treats on the right but please look at the rest of the page. It's a lttle more work be but I love the graphics. If you want it short and sweet, no pun intended *G*, then the old link below will remain active. Also I hope some of you have it bookmarked from previous years. Which ever link you use I hope you enjoy. There's nothing like home goodies anytime of the year.

Old Christmas Goodies link

Twas the Night Before Christmas - Marine Style

Holidays the Year Round

Softbreeze Menu

May Christmas lift its magic wand
Above the common place
To dress the barren, ragged shrubs
In fantasies of lace.
Wrap in winter's splendor
Mountains, fields and trees;
Hang sparkling crystal tapers
Along the weathered eaves.
Sift darkness gently, softly,
Set out the evening lights,
Then let a hushed tranquility
Descend upon this night.

~~ Unknown~~

These are a few of my favorite Christmas pages. I think you will enjoy them as much as I do.

Princess Buttercup's Christmas Page

Marvelicious Merry Christmas

Koala's Christmas

Cyber Grandma's 12 Days of Christmas

Mary's Little Lamb

I have a new toy to play with. I've seen them at other sites and thought
it would be fun to have. So let me know where you are it this great big
world. If you don't want to put what city you live in that's ok, believe me
I understand.



Don't forget our feathered friends this winter.

All graphics and scripts on this page are from the source below unless
given credit by logo or link on graphic to graphic owner/artist.

Page graphics and Columbia rememberance graphic.

Java scripts

Lissa Explains Dynamic Drive

Fast Online Users CGI Script

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This page is my own creation. To the best of my knowledge contains nothing
that has not been given credit for or anything I have not received permission
to use.