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Welcome to our little piece of cyber space on the Internet!! Before you leave, please be sure to sign our Guestbook.
The two of us first met here on the internet November 2, 1996. Cintia was in at her home in Sao Paulo, Brasil and Kim was in Rock Falls, Il USA. We met at a site called The Cyber Talker. Cintia was under the name Blade Runner and Kim was under the name Rocky. From the first time we talked we knew we were ment to be together. We talked for some months, sending each other pictures, letters, and presents from each others countries until finally we had to meet in person. We met in real life on February 7, 1997 in Sao Paulo. As soon as we saw each other we knew we would be together forever. Cintia came to the USA in May of '97 to study at Wayne State University. When she arrived we knew we couldn't be apart again and we were married on May 31, 1997. And as they say, the rest is history:))

Today, November 20, 2001, I'm sitting on the Balcony of my hotel room overlooking Ipamema Beach in Rio de Janeiro. Got my laptop out and decided to update our web page. I never thought in a thousand years I'd be sitting here. I'm here with Cintia, and my two kids Ryan(17) and Megan(13). We all decided that this will be the place to retire someday. We just got back from Cocordavo (Christ the Redeemer on the mountain) What a veiw!! I use to dream of seeing this place when I was younger, and today I'm here. For all the guys out there, everything they say about the Women of Rio is true;) In the past four years since we started this page, alot of things have happened. About three years ago we brought the kids to Brazil to celebrate New Years 1999, then I came back with Cintia to celebrate New Years 2000 in Sao Paulo. Arriving home though, we had the worst news of our life. My son Ryan had been diagnosed with bone cancer that spread to his lungs. After 18 months of surgery and chemo, I'm happy to say that Ryan is doing great, and so far has been cancer free for 8 months (UPDATE 5 YEARS-2006:). It's been along road for everyone, but mostly for him of course. Thanks to all my friends who sent their prayers and thoughts. So thats what brings us here to Rio, to celebrate his recovery and pray for a happy, healthy future for him.
We now want to take a little time to mention the names of our families, so if they read this, they will be able to get there 15 seconds of fame here too;) Cintia's mother name is Anna and her father's Sergio. She has one brother and one sister: Fabio and his wife Solange, and Claudia and her significant other Maurilio. She also has six nieces and nephews: Antonio, Tiago, Giovani, Beatriz, Gustavo, and Pedro. Now for Kim's family:)) First there is Ryan and Megan, two of the greatest kids in the world. Kim's parents names are Dennis and Elaine. He has one brother (Scott his wife Katrina and their two kids Carson and Amber) and one sister (Lynn and her son Nigel).
When we get more time we hope to update our page and add alot of interesting things. We hope it is sooner than later;) Soon we'll be adding a new Picture Album
**a hint for those americans who clicked Ubatuba, praias = beaches for pics**
To reach us on the ICQ our number is 5194919. What?! You say you don't have ICQ?! Well you can get it right here. 
If you wish to send us an instant message, go to our ICQ HP and send it through our pager. When you arrive, scroll down until you see the pager and follow instructions. You do not need the ICQ software installed in your computer to use any of the features shown.
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� 1997
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