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For my Rick Springfield concert pics at the Soboba Casino, click here!
If you wanna learn how to make your own cool homepage, click here for my links to learning how! They've helped me make some of the things seen on this site!
Well hello!!! As many of you may have already guessed by now, my name is Bill!! I now live in the Los Angeles area but I used to live in a small town in northeastern California, Susanville, near Reno, Nv. I was a Police Officer in that town. I take great pleasure in helping people in any way possible! There's really not a lot to do in a small town such as that...but I do enjoy the outdoors! I love hunting, fishing, camping, bikeriding, swimming and just driving through the desert. I know a lot of people hate the desert but I happen to love it!! I love the idea of something looking so dead but having so much life! I've recently began playing guitar too.....teaching myself. Hopefully I'll get better soon...I'm not sure my ears can take much more! :)
Well I'll tell you a little about myself now...I'm 34 years old, divorced, no kids, and I love my rock-n-roll!! Some of my favorite bands include Bon Jovi, Night Ranger, Rick Springfield, Def Leppard, Red Rider and Bryan Adams!! And Adam Sandler is my favorite comedy/musician!! *S* You can go to their websites by clicking their names!! Or the official Night Ranger site by clicking on the symbol!! *S*
I decided to move to Southern California to get back into Law Enforcement because it seems like Southern California is always hiring cops somewhere! Both my parents have now decided to make their own homepages on the internet so if you wanna see their here for my dad's site and click here for my mom's site. My sweet little sister's website is here! Take care and check back later...I'll try updating this more!! I recently found an old tape of my psychotic ex-wife leaving messages on my voicemail. I've decided to share them with you. Click here for the messages.
Want to send an e-mail postcard?? Try this site!!
By the way....the cool banners and background were done for me by Kristie! *S*
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