Welcome to Scott's corner of the web...

Last redecorated : 15th October 2001

Me with the "Beast of Bodmin"


My name is Scott Beavis and I'm 27 years old. I live in Fleet, Hampshire, UK. Click here for a map showing where this is.

gbflag.gif (9686 bytes) Click here for a map showing where I live...  gbflag.gif (9686 bytes)

Click for Farnborough Forecast

I work as a senior engineer at Solartron Analytical in Farnborough. I am currently doing software development using Visual Basic and C++. I also have an interest in electronics and did my degree in Electronic Engineering at Leicester University. I am currently learning to speak Japanese!

I have several hobbies including electronics, computers, and photography, but my main hobby is my Mini. I've been working on it for years and have turned a bulk standard old rusty Mini Mayfair into a mean XR3i-eating racer. I also own a 1978 MGBGT. I attend lots of classic car shows and also drove my mini ~4000 miles to Lapland and back!!

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My mini at the Beaulieu Mini Cooper show June 2001    mg06.jpg (41872 bytes)


When I'm not spending all my time on the cars I try to pay some attention to my girlfriend Kim...

Kim, my girlfriend

You can email me here!


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