So anyway... I guess you are all wondering exactly
what a Magnus is... well... I was a CS student at Lane Community College
until I had a slight problem with my financial aid... oh well... Presently
I am employed at Symantec here
in Eugene and it's a pretty good job, the pay is great, the benefits are
great, and the people are all fabulous. I couldn't want a better job... But, if you happen to be looking
for someone to employ and you can beat my present wages and benefits...
my resume is right here...
Wow... it's been a DAMNED long time since I put this page up... like... 10 years since I edited it last... amazing... perhaps I'll take some time now that I'm unemployed and update it to reflect what's gone on in my life...
The Spammer Graveyard portion of this page is now defunct. Not because I am any less opposed to the violation of my email by these wastes of skin, but because I don't have the time to follow up as much as I would like on many of the spammers that I deal with. The time is just not there to put that much effort into trying to deal with each and every one. I was receiving along the lines of 25 to 30 spams per day. It takes me something along the lines of 20 minutes to track down each link in the spam chain,as you can see by doing the math, the sheer volume of mail was making things difficult to keep up with.
I am working on an automated spam reading mechanism to help track them down, however this looks like it may be a little while in coming as I have so many other projects in the fire.
So... I finally decided that it's time I add a counter... why?... just
because I have no idea how many times I have been hit... and I am bored...
are visitor...
NOTE: If the counter doesn't work, you may have accessed this page at the old address, try this link. it should take you to the right place.
Here comes the link section... so... pick one and have fun...
Click on the picture of the cute little troll (not the one at the top of
the page) to sign my guestbook.
Or view my guest book if you are one of those
voyeuristic freaks that digs that sort of sick perversion.
You can learn about the wonderful game of Tablero
(this link is also in Azurell's section of my friends page.)
E-Mail me and voice your opinions
other places that I have mooched from.
Actually, believe it or not, I did some of the graphics and stuff myself...
will soon open a gallery...
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