Wayne's Hard Rock Pin Collecting Page

Here is a List of Traders


Puerto Vallarta
San Fransisco


Double neck Canadian Flag from
Las Vegas - white King of Clubs
Edmonton - white with grey & black stetson
- white Grand Opening (July 7 1994)
- yellow & blue legislature building
Canada - white (1yr) staff service award
Canada - red (3yrs) staff service award
Canada - black (5yrs) staff service award
Boston - blue National
San Diego - red acoustic
Newport Beach - yellow Brian Jones
San Fransisco - green Les Paul
- Purple Les Paul
- red and gold Flying V
Antwerp - blue diamond
St. Thomas - black Les Paul
Stockholm - orange Rickenbacker
- white double neck swedish flag


Calgary round white city pin with stetson & boot
Vancouver oval orange & white halloween pin (500 made)
25th anniversary peuter with red flames
Staff name badge (plastic) with Canadian logo
Surfers Paradise - blue Harley
Tijuana - purple & black Harley

Note - All Canadian pins have the old logo NOT the new international logo !!!!! If you find anything of interest, please let me know ( along with a copy of your traders )

Name and Logos property of Rank Group PLC and Hard Rock Cafe

© 1997

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