Scouting Badges Don Ilott

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Please bear with me as this is yet another page that is continuously "Under Construction". That is the nature of my little collection - I'm always adding to it.

For years now I've been drawing Scouting badges for various camps and events. I used to collect a lot of badges as well but now only collect those I draw. I design badges basically for free - I only ask for 10 copies of any badge sewn from one of my designs.

When I first started drawing badges, I drew them all by hand. It soon became very obvious that I drew much better with a computer than a pencil. Unfortunately though, I do have some favorite designs that I did by hand and will not be able to show here until I get access to a scanner... (I now have access to a scanner but very little time...)

(I started Cubs in 1974, grew through the sections until retiring from the 8th Richmond Beachcombers Rover Crew in 1994...)

Scouting Badges by Don Ilott
Morris Valley Scout Camp 2001
VCR Commissioner's Quality Award
Morris Valley Scout Camp 2000
Morris Valley Scout Camp 1999
Morris Valley Scout Camp 1998
Morris Valley Scout Camp 1997
CJ97 Subcamp Fraser BC/Yukon
Sketch that hasn't made it to a badge yet...
Yet another sketch that hasn't made it to a badge...
Would you believe - another sketch looking for a badge
...and yet another...
Just a sketch that could become a badge

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