Note: From time to time, we have scheduling conflicts with other regional events. We schedule around those events because we want to enable attendance to as many things as possible, but we try to keep the munch scheduled for the second Saturday as consistently as possible so people can plan to attend regularly.
Schedule changes will be posted as soon as we are aware of them.
In case you don't know what a munch is, click here to find out.
Here are some frequently asked questions about the munch, a.k.a. the Munch FAQ.
If you do know what a munch is and you want to come to one, here are the details on this month's munch.
If you'd like to subscribe to the mailing list for announcements of upcoming munches and other related area events, enter your e-mail address and click on the "Join Onelist" graphic below:
And in case you're already planning to come to the Munch and need a place to stay, click on the list of area accomodations for information.
In the meantime, if you are an adult who wants to learn more about BDSM, an
excellent place to start is the s.s.b.b. FAQ. This is the FAQ for the newsgroup (soc.subculture.bondage.bdsm) that has replaced the old a.s.b. ( newsgroup which is now overrun with spam and for all practical purposes dead.
This is not meant to be provocative of anything other than thought. One of the goals of our group is to help you become
more informed and the FAQ is presented with that goal in mind.