* Bio
* Red's Friends
* Red's pile of MUD
* Music of Red's Life
* LiveJournal
* Guestmap
* E-mail

* You Grow Girl
* Knitty!
* Sinfest
* Rivers of MUD
* Pogo Games
* Yahoo!

Red's feeling
The current mood of redness at www.imood.com


12 November 2004

Ok so you all asked for it, so here it is: the photos of the hair. It isn’t much, just a sneak peak due to data transfer limits. In fact, if you get an error message, just try back in just over an hour or so. Apparently my site is getting to big for the little geocities space.

Anyway, enjoy the sneak preview and I’ll do my best to update everything a bit more later.

* * *

7 September 2004

Woo! Major updates here at my home on the web as well as my home in the real world. I’ve moved away from Michigan and into the urban jungle of Minneapolis, MN. If you wish, drop me an e-mail and I’ll send you the current contact information.

Still unemployed, but several hot prospects on the line. Things are looking good in that life sector. If you have any leads in my field of expertise feel free to send them my way!

Also, if any of you have a personal site that you’d like linked from here, pass it along. I hope to start work on the Red's Friends page as soon as possible.

* * *

25 July 2004

Just a quick update here in the midst of yet another season of summer camp. Things are coming to a close of my last summer of seasonal staff; if I return, it will be as the full-time Director or Assistant Director. Kinda crazy when you think about it.

For those camp staff members who I directed to this site, wander over to the Music page and pick out what you would like. I believe it is all up to date as of the time I left Houghton in May (and we all know I've not had time to get any new music since then).

For family and friends not at camp, I'm still here alive and kicking and hoping to receive letters from you all! That and the expected moving date is the 16th of August - everyone will receive a change of address note when it occurs.

* * *

9 April 2004

Happy Birthday to me!

I'm older today. Pretty fancy, eh? I thought so too.

Hopefully, I will have some time this weekend to sit back, relax, and do a bit more work here on the site. We’ll see what happens. Until then, check out all the links to the left there or drop me an e-mail with ideas that should be here!

* * *

6 March 2004

Holy updates batman!

More work completed for the site. The LiveJournal is up and running (check it out!), all pages are now under the new layout, and new pages have been added. The Sister loves the Bio page best, so be certain to stop by there. I have plans right now to finish one of the new pages and create two new ones dedicated to my favorite hobbies as well as totally redo the Girl Scouting pages.

But those are for a later day! Until then, let me know who stops by. How, you ask? By signing the snazzy Guestmap.

* * *

3 March 2004

Welcome to the newest version of my world!

Yes, my homepage is finally receiving a much needed face-lift. Pages are disappearing, new pictures arriving, and well, whatever else my insomnia brings! I am testing out style sheets for the site as well, so if you are a friend and have a few pointers, send them my way!

Please note that my page(s) on Girl Scouting activities are gone temporarily. I hope to completely redo them within the next few months. Updating anything having to do with MIGHG and Camp and well, everything else related to Scouting!

If you are truly interested in what sort of HTML/CSS stuff I'm playing with right now, head on over to my test page. Again, that's where I am playing - so it will always be under construction.