Wally's Big Pole Page

Little Poleland

Now Rowzee gets to run up a Counter!!!

Food Links

Polish Pierogi - You'll have to cook them yourself!!!!

Pierogi - Cheese, Cabbage Filling... and more!!!

CJ's Polish Pierogis - These ones you can order!!!!

Cheshire's Recipe Categories - More than Just Polish Food.....

Polish Recipes - Nothing but Polish Recipes... Noun (Rzeczownik) recepta,przepis (kulinarny)

Polish Spring Menu - Spring is here so eat POLISH!!!!

Polish Cookbook - Kotlety z mielonych kartofli z sosem grzybowym and others...


Rowzee's Diner - So much more than just Polish Food!!!!!



Cities in Poland - All the Big Cities in Poland.......

Polish cities on WWW - Need I say more!!!

The Tatra Mountains - The most beautiful section of the Carpathian mountains.

Wayside Chapels and Crosses - Deeply rooted in the folk tradition.

Polish WWW Servers - an overview of all the WWW servers in Poland.

PolishWorld - Lots of really cool Polish stuff.... a must see.... (go ahead Rowzee)

Polish Cyber-Links - Now you found it... you can cyber in Poland!!!!

Polish Connections - A major Polish link page.......


Polish Culture

Arts & Culture-Film - From the People who brought you Polish World!!!

Zbigniew Preisner - A polish composer.

Vader - The homepage of the best Polish death band.

Polish Kings - Not in the news as much as England's but their ours.

SexBomba - Zoo workers that one day decided to play punk rock.


Polish Language

Phrases - Some useful Polish phrases.

Polish numbers - Fonetical transcription of Polish numbers.

Maly slownik angielsko polski - A small English - Polish Dictionary.

LLC Polish Resources - Language Learning Center.


Other Things that are Polish

Polish Arabian Horses - Classically bred Polish Arabian horses.

Polish Aviation - Things that are Polish and Fly!!! (kind a)

Polish Christmas Postcard - Why not it's coming.... Avoid the rush!!!

Polish Greeting Card - It's not a joke!!!!

Stowarzyszenie Geomorfologow Polskich - hmmm ok... what ever!!!

Institute of Oceanology - Great Polish Sea stuff...... A must sea???

UnitCalc - It's a Reverse Polish Notation calculator.

Polish Font Software - Well.. We all need a good Polish font now and again..


Polish Jokes.....


Polish Bank Joke

Genie Humor

Ethnic Jokes



About this Polock (me.. aka. Wally97)
