"If dances were cars, the measured waltz would be a Cadillac; the sexy tango, a Ferrari; and Lindy, well, Lindy would be an old Volksagen Beetle convertible -- friendly, flirty, fun."
~ Swing fever by Trish Snyder ~

a hesitation about medical school


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- wednesday, january 28th '04 -

keeping things alive so... nearly 3 years later, here i am back again writing another entry. now i know that despite the above comic, i'm going to have to just deal with those wiggishnessess (yes, it's a real word). am wondering what i should do with this page. i'm not willing to give it up... but do i want to actively update it anymore? sometimes i do wish i had a journal of my thoughts. perhaps i'll file this away and start up something really simple and straightforward. we shall see, shan't we?

- friday, july 27th '01 -

is she back? just experimenting with the notion that if i update my page, my email might work again. haven't updated for about a year. i figure maybe my sugahigh@geocities.com email no longer works because this account has been untouched. we shall see.

at any rate, it's been about a year since i last updated. most of you who read my page also talk to me so i don't know if there's a purpose of updating per se. then again, i've sort of lamented the lack of recorded (albeit cryptic) memories.

right now everything's winding down this summer. time's running really short. gotta cram everything in. but how do i choose from the wide list of stuff i want to do? i'm sure i'll feel the same way as my 4th year at school starts coming to a close. last year of undergrad. who woulda thunk?

on speculating about their mother having an affair...

- "... but it turned out they were just platonic."
- "yo! Plutonic?! You mean they were making nuclear bombs?!"
- "No... platonic -- meaning he's gay!"

- wednesday, july 12th '00 -

synopsis I guess it's about time I updated, eh? :) Terrifying thing, really... that it's been about a month since I last updated, which means that I've been hired at my GAP job for about that long now and working real shifts for about 2 weeks... and I still don't meet productivity standards! I make about75% of the standard. *sigh. I'm starting to figure out which of the other staff are really nice, and which people I don't like very much, and which staff are, I'm sure, quite friendly... but just seem to wig me out nonetheless. The key is just to exude confidence, I guess? Anyhow, I've decided not to go for a second job bussing in a restaurant (though I really would like to gain that experience) because I don't have enough time. It's fairly late in the summer and I don't have enough time to study for the MCAT as is (that is assuming, of course, that I write it this year. i just registered today (3 days before the deadline) and will probably end up being scheduled to write in kelowna or victoria *ugh). What with all this going on, I haven't had a chance to see many of you much... and I miss you all! Hope to catch some fun with some of y'all soon...

- monday, jun 19th '00 -

ramble First off, I would like to exuberate that... I GOT A JOB!!!!! :) woohoo! GAP on Robson... so... when you guys are there shopping, remember that Nicole gave you amazing service! :)Other than that, I just got back from San Fran where one of my cousins just got married. Huge excuse for a family reunion :) Was fun! Hung out wiht a couple of cousins and talked and tried to go clubbing (note the "tried")... and then coming back got stuck on the plane for 8 hours. ick. Maybe I'll talk more about it later :)

- tuesday, may 30st '00 -

silly ads ok, this is really goofy but... this ad made me laugh. Has anyone seen that Jack-in-the-Box commercial where you see Jack with his whole family? It's kinda cute when his mom makes him go 100 miles to pick up some breakfast. Cute little mini-kid-tantrum. Amazingly done considering he can't do facial expressions :) One of those "Jack is one of us regular people" commercials that doesn't make me yak... but makes me laugh.

Now what does this say? I've now done two updates about tv. Seriously bad stuff. If I'm not careful, I might become an irreversible couch potato. Fear not, the job search is back on track... had an interview with GAP and heading downtown again tomorrow to distribute apps. With luck, I'll be off my ass soon!

- friday, may 19th '00 -

season finale "i do"s Season finale weeks are upon us... that means days and days of wonderful tv and me getting blobbier and blobbier by the minute. Seems the common theme is marriage: Friends-Chandler&Monica, Frasier-Niles&Daphne (though not to each other, Felicity-Havier&Simon, Jamie Foxx-Jamie&Fancy, Popular-*double* weddings, 7th Heaven, ... I'm sure there are more that I've forgotten. What do you think this says about us as a viewer audience? ... we're all romantics at heart.

- thursday, april 13th '00 -

i'm alive :) Just doing a quick update so that you guys know I'm alive. Finals are looming and for the past week and bit so far I've been living at the library, and then once the libary closes we migrate to the engineering building because its open 24hours (hallelujiah for workaholic engineers). Packing days worth of food in and out all we do is eat... our prime work spot is on the caf tables right by the vending machines and we get excited by 10cent differences between machines... believe me, we've scoped the possibilities. Late (or all) nighters left and right. Sadly enough, it's kind of fun... it's my social life, y'know? God knows who checks this page anyways... all my friends (save a select few *hrm) are in the library with me.

By the way, for those of you who -do- check my page and were perplexed by my update... please don't be. No one should be insulted, I wasn't trying to be mean, let's not read into it too much. etc. etc. Simply sprung partly from the notion that I've been seeing dissapointing examples amongst my guy friends... but then again, perhaps I've too idealised the whole standard.

So yeh, I'm alive :) I'll re-emerge in a few weeks.

re: guestbook entry I don't hear from Steph in an age and a half and suddenly there's this guestbook entry and it's like I can -hear- her saying it all. It's so completely her. Made me laugh so hard :) So Steph, after hours and hours of kicking and screaming at my computer, I suddenly realise that "i don't want people sending me jinx mail or USING ME TO get free shampoo...uh-hum." is not an email address. Damnit! So rest assured, I won't use you on those list things (though I may use Amy... tit for tat! :)) I can't write you, darling, without your email... so give it to me, for god's sake!

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