Welcome to my Home Sweet Home
silverchair, circa 1997
Daniel, Ben & Chris.
Hi. My name is Kim. This used to be my silverchair webpage. However, I haven't updated that part of this page for like 8 million years. You can visit silverchair's Official Webpage for all the news you need. Not to say that I love my boys any less, but hey, I was a busy college student and now I'm a busy 'young professional'! How can I compete with all the awesome pages out there? In the 12 years or so (holy crap! 12 years!) that I've had this webpage I've discovered so many other amazing bands, but silverchair will always remain one of my favorites. I've grown up with them! We were all 15 together once! I'm an original Frogstomp era girl! I wish them the best of luck and I am currently enjoying their 4th album, straight from Australia. By the way, this page is best viewed with Firefox 2.0 or higher. It looks pretty damn good on my computer anyway!
So, this page is mostly about me, and stuff I like. It's not very exciting really, but I have fun playing around with it. Plus, isn't everyone in cyberland just dying to know what my favorite foods are and what concerts I've been to? If you know me at all you'll know I'm the biggest music junky. I'm kind of obsessed actually. There are definitely certain types of music that I gravitate to, like Brit-pop, trip-hop and new wave, but really music is about a feeling. If a song makes me feel good, I'll listen to it. I like Jay-Z, I like Justin Timberlake, I like Stevie Wonder, I like Led Zepplin, the list continues ad nauseum. So, if you are curious, or just plain bored, poke around and maybe you will find something cool to get into. Hell, try out a new band, you might like them!
Before they were famous
Me and Fred Durst, September 1997 (No longer feeling those lighters...)
Navigating this Bad Boy
Feel free to look around. Like I said, it's mostly junk, but it makes me happy. I pretty much keep the list of bands and concerts current, cus that's the most fun part of this page, to me anyway, and that's who matters most, now isn't it?
[More Things About Me]
[Some Of My Favorite Things]
[Bands I've Seen]
[My New Ultimate 80s Playlist]
[Old Ass silverchair Page]
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Last Update: May 28, 2008
© 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008