The page of pictures that you've been waiting for and guess what? Here they are!


All you have to do is click on the pictures and you will get another picture for your efforts.

We are proud to bring you picture of our boat both inside and out. Thank you for your visit.

Click on the interior shot and see a closeup of The Rose Of Jericho. Behind me is the forward V-berth in the bow.

Here you have the salon and galley area. Click on the picture for a view of the new dodger.

Click on the picture of the dining area for another view of the First Mate and The Rose Of Jericho.

Click on the picture of a rather large interior for another nice shot of a great steel cutter, The Rose Of Jericho. You are actually looking at the rear sleeping quarters under the steering station. It sleeps two easily.

CLICK on this dinner table picture and see a massive interior looking from the galley forward across the salon to the V-berth. After seeing all the room you have inside I know you'll want a boat similar to the Rose Of Jericho to be your next blue-water sailer. I am sold on steel boats. I love my safety.

If you would like to see more pictures please visit the next page by clicking,



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