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There's a certain mystery associated with a boat. Perhaps it is all the exciting times wrapped within her destinations.



Outside one of the oldest cities in the civilized world grow the rose bushes of Jericho. They have a marvelous ability. When drought comes they pull up their roots and roll into a ball. Wind blows them to a new location. If they put their roots down and find nourishment they stay. If not they again pull up their roots and let the wind take them to a new place. What better name for a sailboat, don't you think?

Seekers Are Always After The True And The Beautiful. Life is a challenging quest.

Who Best Knows What Is Truly Beautiful? The Eye Knows. That Is Why We Must All Discover Beauty For Ourselves.

This was our Rose Of Jericho, a blue water sailer. My wife and I bought her in Vancouver, Canada and sailed her over the next six years down the western seaboard. During that time we both had laptops and wrote five books between us. Talk about pleasure. Three years we lived on San Francisco Bay and enjoyed the city and surrounding area. In all the U.S. San Francisco remains my best loved city. We tried three years in San Diego Bay and it was not the same at all. Not enough wind and little enough action. Next we pulled her apart and stuffed her on an eighteen wheeler heading for Texas Coastal Bend area and sailed along the Interstate at 65 knots top speed.

For the next three and a half years we sailed out of Port Aransas which is at the channel head to Corpus Christi. That is where we are today.

So what did we learn along the way. Why not retire from the bad life and start the good. Move on to an ocean going steel cutter and sail off into the sunset finding what you've been looking for all your life. We were never sorry we did and we loved the adventure along the way. The sailor's life is one of independence, but with a price. One has to overcome problems at times by one's self. Self-reliance is a prime directive when it comes to being a sailor.

Yes, meeting problems head on and over-coming obstacles is a way of life for the sailor who survives.

Just click on the picture. Go do it!

Ever wonder what it takes to be your own captain of a small yacht? Look over these pages to see it takes more than pluck, it takes some time, confidence, and some money.


Click here for ONE or two pictures of the Rose Of Jericho on page 2.

Click here for a couple of more pictures of your craft for this sail you are invited to inspect on page 3.

Click here for information on a 39' steel cutter (sailboat) on page 4.

Click here for detailed information on the boat's specifications on page 5.

Click here for an exciting story about my NDE or "near-death experience" as they call it page 6.

Click here for many interior and exterior boat pictures on page 7.

Click here for many more interior and exterior boat pictures on page 8.

Want to see some actually shimmering water? Click here for a rare shot of the Rose Of Jericho gliding past the city of Bellingham, Washington just south of Canadian boarder. Give time for it to load for it is brand new homepage technology.

Click on the hummer for free offers and services on page 11.

Click here for a picture gallery found on pages 12-16.

Don't miss my Dive Story on page 6. When you are a scuba diver with asthma, you might expect a lot of excitement. I went down to the Sea Of Cortez and wanted to dive and play with the seals of the coast of Mexico. My play was much more than I expected. I died and lived to write about it. Click here.


Links to other sites on the Web. Now you know why you bookmarked this site. So that you can come back and visit these other sites that have something to offer for your entertainment. Do come back and click on these.

I have finally published two new books that are now available on the net. They are being offered to several movie studios in an open auction for the screenplay rights. They are available in either paperback or hardback editions.

Gift From The Gods Additional Gifts From The Gods

Click on these links and leave this site for 1stbooks.com and a chance to obtain these two very unique adventurous, romantic, martial arts, and action filled novels. Go there now!

CLICK HERE for a trip into Quester's Territory: Gateway To Atlantis... and you will find A Novel Approach To Atlantis.
Quester's Gift From The GodsThis is the rather novel approach to a cowboy and Muse love story with a lively time in Atlantis thrown in for spicy seasoning. These are first looks at a chapter during its publication. It is to entice you to find it at 1st Books Library when it appears and get the whole book for yourself.
Quester's Chinese TerritoriesFree key to your character via Chinese astrology
Or you could try your personality with Western Astrology here.
Click here to go forward to a young person's story that again is great reading. This is another book length story by Siang Ying and Quester describing a young Chinese girl growing up so shy in school she doesn't talk. How does a young girl solve her problems? Don't miss how this all takes place.
Quester's Territories: Joke Gallery and humor galore.

Click here to go forward to a Quester's search for the missing Marilyn Monroe diary. Was there one? Is it true she collected dumb blonde jokes? Find out for yourself.
Click here for a Quester's Art Gallery. See how an artist grows, changes, and matures as he finds his style. The quest is the thing. These are canvas works of art that Quester did himself.
Click here when you want to leave this site and find a way of worldwide travel at 1/2 price or less. Don't forget to come back here before you punch out!
Quester's SouthSea Territories: Unique SouthSea love story.

Click here to go forward to great reading. This is the beginning of a book by Siang Ying Quester's Significant Other) describing her childhood growing up on the island of Borneo. Sarawak used to be independent but now is a part of Malaysia.

Quester's Beach House This is where YOU can experience living on the beach along the Gulf of Mexico. Available daily, weekly, or monthly. Nicely furnished and ready for your vacation. Pets welcome.

Quester's Territories: Personal Picture Gallery. The inside story: Life and times of a Quester.

Click here for a whole page of free stuff.

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Hey, I just finished another book and finally got it published. Here is the cover I did and am rather proud of.

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The book is about a love affair between a KGB officer and a Buryat shamaness while he is busy building a secret spy training facility in Siberia.

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