This is my very first page of me creating my own homepage.
Below are basic things you guys would like to know about myself:

Name : Anis Awatif Zakaria
Birthdate: November 11, 1975

Okie okie ... I will tell you more about me. Both my parents were teachers and now happily living in Alor Setar. Yes, me is from Kedah. Born and being raised there. My sis is a Lawyer in Kedah and my 2 brothers (do I have to mention about them? ) are now in KL and my younger bro who is the only hope in our family to become a good son is in Form 2 staying with parents!

My school life was great. I love every moment of it. Especially when I was at my secondary school. A netball player for school and district, a prefect, vice secreatary for Consumer club ... sheehh thats about it. Thought I was active .. noah .. I wasnt that active actually.

My A Level - rather skipp this bit. Next ...

1st year degree - I was in EW for about a year there. Nothing much to tell about my life there except been roller blading, skipping classes (a lot!), working - part time at Baskin Robbins .... what else. Almost screwed up my papers but managed to pass through all of them ... Thank God!

2nd Year and 3rd Year - Was in Kingston Uni, UK. Didn't wanna come back till I got an offer from Citibank. That was my first time ever to start internetting. I was on Surfers where met quiet a number of people. From there I started meeting people from the net.

Most of you must have seen these pics of mine - but I have told you I am still new and need to do more of pics scanning. This pic was taken when I was with my Surfers friends. Back in 1997.
Me and my net-mom, Connie. The time when I was visiting her. At the back of her cottage.
My favourites:
