(Crested) tell her I hope she has a speedy recovery, every though she won't do me {G}
(crowd) Get well Raen, get over the Pain, and come back to us again. Love,crowd
(dalinquit) Raen.... Love ya, miss ya, and wishing you the best..... Get well soon....8)
(hybred) hickory dickory doc, your heart can't go Tic Toc....so away you go, we'll miss you so... and when you're back we'll ROCK!! love, hY
(ISPY2) Raen, my little sweet cheeked one! Best Wishes to you and a speedy recovery hon! Hope to catch you both at the Oct. party 8) Get Well Soon!!!!!!!!!
(KoolDaisy) Dear Raen; I have been Praying for you and your family all along and thinking only good thoughts. Just hang in there and Remember how much you are loved and missed online. If there is anythang at all I can do Please, Please do NOT hestitate to call me anytime,Day or night. I only wish I could be there for you during your surgery. Get well, Recovery fast and get your Arse back to us and the forum. The forum is NOT the same without you! Kissssssses Kool
(LittleDebi) Get well soon Raen! We miss all your witty comments and sense of humor in #anythang. Hope to see you feeling much better by October so you can make the Chicago party...wouldnt be the same without you there!
(Marchie) send her wishes for a speedy recovery!
(michii) Raen: I wish you all the best of luck for your surgery. You and your family will be in my thoughts and prayers. Get Well Soon and get back on IRC ASAP........... Love Michii
(Mudslyde_VII) Get Well soon darlin'!!! Can't have a "Risk Factor" involved in a Full-Body-SLUUURRRRRRPPPPPP!!! :-)
(Snous)good luck Raen and get back soon!
(Mark, Mandy, Jenny R, Jen S, JenRummy, Mel, Jaysen, Jaime,Michelle, and everyone else that misses ya) Hurry up and get better soon!!! Parties at the house just aren't the same without you!