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NEW My very own chat. Welcome. Talk about Wicca, paganism, herbalism, and other Magics. Sorry, your browser is not Java enabled, you will not be able to chat.

Don't foget to to e-mail me at wicca1@hotmail.com or click on e-mail button! .****Be sure to sign my geustbook****Many links to occult dealers, and to pagan and wiccan societies! Look below for details!

  • Mystic Curio
    Celtic Wiccan and Nordic Jewelry / Crystals/ Oils
  • Sage Woman / Green Man
    The Best Pagan Zines for Women and Men
  • CYMRY Home Page
    Home to the Association of Cymry Wiccae and the Coven of Y Tylwyth Teg

    Links to other sites on the Web



  • Arsenic and Old Lace - One-Stop Occult Shop & Pagan Community Center. Community events, retail Wiccan supply shop, and mail-order. Tarot consultations by appointment.
  • Alternative Healing, Herbal Healing & Wiccan Pages - info on alternative healing methods and herbal remedies, about Wicca, including rituals, and logs of Wiccan classes.
  • Aunt Agatha's Occult Emporium - Mystical and Magical items, Gargoyles, Voodoo and Gothic. Wiccan Oriented, with a wide variety of interest for everyone. Newsletter, Events calender, and much more.
  • Association of Cymry Wiccae and Y Tylwyth Teg - provides accurate info about Celtic/Welsh witchcraft for the general public, news media, and the Pagan community.
  • alt.religion.Wicca
  • Assembly of the Sacred Wheel - a legally recognized, Wiccan, non-profit, religious organization for the mid-Atlantic states. Sponsors open rituals, educational events, and conferences.
  • Athu's Pagan/Wiccan Page - this page is for Wiccans, Pagans, and the curious to become more connected.
  • Baba Yaga's Emporium - specializing in Pagan, Wiccan & Metaphysical books, music, videos, and magickal & devotional supplies. On-Line catalogue and ordering.
  • Branwen's Pantry - Voodoo, Santeria, and other African magickal products, information and newsletter. Also complete line of Pagan and Wiccan goods and services.
  • Bogner, Matt - Velcome to my home... Vampyre, tarot, magick, occult, Wicca, & a huge Midi file collection.
  • Cooling, Tina - Definitely an odd page, with more than just Wicca links. Connections to all sorts of fun stuff.
  • Cauldrons & Broomsticks - a monthly electronic newsletter by and for the Pagan/Wiccan internet community. Articles on herbs, magick, ritual, tarot, sabatts. Magickal fiction and poetry.
  • Covenant of the Goddess (COG) - an international organization of cooperating, autonomous Wiccan congregations and solo practitioners
  • Dew, Foggy - Includes favorite links which would appeal to people of 'a like mind' regarding Paganism, Wicca, herbs, and Irish/Celtic things.
  • Dark Side of the Net - listing of gothic, vampiric, Wiccan, Pagan, occult, and other dark resources on the Net.
  • Duncan-Charnley, Rose Ann - psychic consultations, guided realizations and Wicca instruction.
  • Francesca Dubie's 3rd Road - a school for Wicca, a living branch of Faerie shamanism, and a community.
  • FAQ - Chicago-Area Pagan - lists all known Chicago-area groups, events, net resources and festivals for Pagans and Wiccans. Updated weekly.
  • Francesca Dubie's Wiccan & Faerie Grimoire - Wiccan articles, poems, announcements, resources, love spells, and rituals.
  • FAQ - alt.religion.Wicca
  • Gardner, Leigh - Quaker Magick - Broceliande Forest, Merlin the Magician, Death, Ivy League rivalries, Morgaine, coffee, Wicca, music, and even the biological sciences. It all exists here...
  • Gutierrez, Eddy - Hyperion - including information on incense recipies based on Druidic and Wiccan heritage.
  • Grey Cloak's A Wizard's Tower - Faq for Wicca & Pagan. Links to other Pagan Resources. More.
  • Haines-Solomon, Wisteria - right pretty pictures! Faeries, Angels, Wicca, and great links!
  • Hebert, Don - Dreamseeker - my experiences while learning lucid dreaming and learning about Wicca.
  • Horns and Crescent - Extensive calendar of Wiccan and Pagan events in the New England area.
  • Harbor Sanctuary Coven - Information and links on Paganism in general. The truth about Wicca. Looking to educate not conflict. Blessed Be!
  • Introduction to Wicca [Chris]
  • Introduction to Wicca [Matt S.]
  • Iwancio, Thomas - Dale And Thom - Hi! Welcome to our new homepage. Pets, Wicca, Weather, Cherokee... Hope you find our page interesting. More cool stuff coming your way.
  • MacFinn, Oisin - source to the School of Wicca for the Scottish tradion, witchcraft, magick and BBS. Homepage of the founder.
  • McAvoy, Chas - GayElf - mostly gay site, with some Pagan/Wiccan resources and links.
  • Ladendecker, Michelle - Amunet's Page - My page links to sites such as Tarot, Wicca, New Age, and other spiritually related sites. Also links to childrens areas on the 'net.
  • Lerczak, Nichola - full of links for librarians, cat lovers, fox fanciers, Wiccans, and the lesbigay community. I've also included tv shows, poets & poetry, authors and some stuff about my family.
  • Lissa's Greenhouse - personal bookmark file for the Wiccan, Pagan, and Magickal community.
  • MoonScents & Magickal Blends - a one-stop mail order shop and resource center for Wiccan and Pagan supplies. Witchcraft, Goddess and metaphysical books, jewelry, herbs, incense, clothing, spells and more.
  • Moonstar Church of Wicca - Herbs, potions, oils and other occult items
  • McAvoy, Chas - GayElf - mostly gay site, with some Pagan/Wiccan resources and links.
  • McClellan, Liddell - This is a great reference for Pagan, Wiccan, Druidic beliefs and traditions.
  • Naiu's Wicca Corner - Good information on Paganism and events in the mid south. Pagan ftp, newsgroups.Pagan and Wiccan FAQ.
  • One Wiccan - general information and listings of current events for the Wiccan comunity of North Texas.
  • Onieros's Information on Wicca - Links to information on Wicca, plus a Wiccan Multimedia presentation,a Mahjongg game with a Wiccan tile set, and The Pagan Daybook.
  • One Wiccan - general information and listings of current events for the Wiccan comunity of North Texas.
  • Online Pagan Resources - list of Wiccan/Pagan/Magickal happenings on America Online and in the greater world.
  • Pan's Grove - Pan's Grove is a newsletter that cators to the Wiccan, Pagan, and general new-age community. Well worth looking at!
  • Pandora's PaganWeb - witchcraft, Wicca, magic, neo-Pagan page: reading list and links; home of Cauldrons and Broomsticks electronic newsletter.
  • Red Dragon's Weyr - links to Pagan and Wiccan sites, as well as links to local Austin pages, some personal writing, and a section that goes to an online art gallery of fantasy art.
  • Robinett, Shane - Weaver - providing links and information on Wicca, vampires, roleplaying, and runes. Also some of my poetry and my resume.
  • Rodgers, Dennis - Flax's Funky Homepage! Pagan and Wiccan links and info, odd homepage stuff, home of the DC and Baltimore area Pagan and Wiccan List Page.
  • Rain Puddles - NeoPagan Resources, including history of Wicca, files.
  • Reso's Pagan and Wicca Information - Some great links to Pagan / Wiccan organisations and home pages. Also some links to mythology pages aswell as UFO links.
  • Scheh, Troy - This site contains computer, internet, movie, Wicca, and links so far.
  • Soulier, Paris - Barbarian's Lair - A page devoted to Barbarian history, my personal info, Wiccan practice, Norse Religion, and other topics.
  • Stork, Kent - image processing, Tarot, I Ching, Buddhism, Pagan, Wicca, Philosophy, JavaScript, MaskMaker (the page is better than the index).
  • Shaken Tree , The - virtual Wiccan and Pagan magical supplier. Owned and operated by a traditional witch. An events calender is offered.
  • Sabbats of Wicca - Witches have eight festivals, or Sabbats, that honor nature and mark the year as it turns through its seasons. This page has basic information about Sabbats.
  • Spirit Pathways - alternative spiritual resources in Madison, Wisconsin and surrounding area; Paganism, Shamanic Drumming, Wiccan, Metaphysical and whatever.
  • Towers of Avalon - Pagan/Wiccan/Occult oriented Web-Site. Home of "The Pagan List".
  • Tischart, Leo - Herne the Hunter - including the Coven of the Silver Circle, a Saxon based Wiccan Coven in operation for 7 years.
  • Temple of the Eternal Light - Caballistic Wicca - the temple is an amalgam of Caballa and Wicca; open Sabbaths, gnostic masses, rituals group, and home study programs.
  • Undernet #Wicca - What is Wicca all about? Who will you meet in the Undernet's #Wicca channel? Pop over to this homepage to find out.
  • Usenet - alt.religion.Wicca
  • Wicca 101 Logs
  • Wicca: What it is and What it is not
  • Wiccan Rede - references to Wicca and Pagan resources.
  • Wiccan Web - instruction in occult arts, astral travel, sorcery, psychic and herbal healing, Wicca and more. FAQ and links.
  • Wicca and Witchcraft@
  • #Wicca - Information about Wicca and #Wicca. Contains links to various Wicca/Pagan pages, bios of the #Wicca 'regulars', etc.

    Know a Site not on the list? Email Me! Leave its Name, Address, and Description, and I Will Update ASAP!

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