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Mystic Curio
Celtic Wiccan and Nordic Jewelry / Crystals/ Oils
Sage Woman / Green Man
The Best Pagan Zines for Women and Men
CYMRY Home Page
Home to the Association of Cymry Wiccae and the Coven of Y Tylwyth Teg
Lytha Studios Lytha Studios specializes in pagan and spiritual jewelry, including celtic, pentacle, ankh, and goddess pewter jewelry, beaded oil bottles, dream catchers, and more. Netscape Secure Transactions available for your mastercard/visa order.
- #witchcraft Australian Undernet Home page A resource page for witches and their friends who use Undernet, to access information about witchcraft, wicca and pagan related topics.
- The 'X' Chronicles A Canadian multimedia Corporation specializing in the paranormal and parapsychology.
- About Witchcraft
- Amunts Page Information on Candles, Oils, Gems and Stones,(attunements and attributes) Moon phases, Calander, many Links ,and Kids links
- Ancient Creations Online Catalog A collection of art and ancient reproductions by artists from around the world. We specialize in custom orders!
- Arsenic & Old Lace and The Pagan Community Center Your One-Stop Occult Shop specializing in occult supplies, handmade incense, & oils, classes, mail-order, and more!
- Astarte Spirit Crafts catalog, net and representative sales for those of a spiritual nature
- Blue Dragon's Lair Links to other dragon, science fiction, and wiccan sites
- Caroline's Wiccan Resource Page
- Cave of the Word Witch The goal of this site is to provide a place for the exploration of magick and ritual through creativity of all kinds, and through the written word in particular.
- Celtic Readings A Celtic Reading is done using the Celtic Oracle system of divination.
- Central Vermont Open Circle of Wicca & Wicce CVt-Open Circle is a formulating public circle of Witches in Addison County, Vermont. Founded in the sun sign of Aries, 1996 C.E., by Andrew J. Campbell. The Circle practices Traditional Celtic and Eclectic Witchcraft.
- Circle of the Dragon's Weave Home site of Circle of the Dragon's Weave, a Wiccan coven, and of the Web Weavers Award.
- Circle Sanctuary Circle is a non-profit Nature Spirituality center serving Wiccan, Shamanic, Goddess, Druidic, Celtic Mystic, and other Pagan folk worldwide.
- Connecticut Wiccan and Pagan Network CWPN (CT Wiccan and Pagan Network) Events Calendar, Membership information and description of the organization.
- Country Broom Works Traditional handcrafted American brooms and sweeps
- Coven Circle Star & Scottish Trad. Wicca Homepage of Coven Circle Star and Scottish Trad. Wicca; founded and located in Oklahoma City.
- Coventry Creations Coventry Creations Listing of Blessed Herbal Candles, Bath Teas and Candle Holders
- Crescent Moongoddess A mail service catalog that sells pagan/wiccan supplies such as incense , oils , potions , candles , books , music , and many more magical supplies.
- The Crossroads Lyceum/College of Isis The Crossroads Lyceum is the only all-correspondence school within the Fellowship of Isis specializing in Priest/ess/hood training and Magi Degrees..
- Danae's Sun Press
- Divine Intervention An online store with a large array of new age products. Divine Intervention is dedicated to service. We hand pick our products, and demand only the best from our suppliers. At Divine Intervention you can count on quality, and service.
- Dragonfly Dream A unique artist's homepage featuring Mail Art,artistamps,adoption,Wicca,Runes,and monotypes.
- Eclectic Church of the Beauty Way Learn about the Beauty Way path of the Eclectic Wiccan and Shaman. The Beauty Way is one of life, love, peace, enlightenment, joy, and pleasure.
- Elfin Guild, Elfin Deck of Lore Fortune Telling Cards and card readings from the Elfin Deck of Lore containing over 1726 different cards to divine. Free Astrology card readings of the Zodiac. You can order you own for $24.95 plus shipping stenli19@mail.idt.net
- Enchanted Notions Runestone Sets, Jewelry & Charms Enchanted Notions creates beautifully hand-crafted Runestone Sets, Jewelry & Charms. Uses of Runes have been divination and magic, Wicca Craft, mysticism, metaphysical healing and personal growth.
- Fire Rose's World of Wicca and Witchcraft My book of shadows
- Flight Of The Phoenix Retail store catering to the Wiccan community since 1987
- Ganesha wholesaler & retailer of amulets & symbolic jewelry
- Inner Visions, Clairvoyant readings by Su Walker Accurate, caring, psychic readings by Su Walker, clairvoyant. Relationships, health, careers, past lives, and criminal cases. Gay and Wicca friendly, sensitive, confidential. $2/min, MC, Visa , Disc. (515) 292-6038.
- Josepha WhiteHorses' Paganism Guide A page dedicated to gathering and sharing information on paganism, wicca, and other nature religions. I do not have a guestbook , leave me an email contribution to the pages instead.
- Legend UK based Pagan / Wiccan Rock Band. In the style of Clannad/ Jethro Tull. Have released three Cd's available Worldwide.
- Magickal Creations Wiccan / Pagen items including a sectiom for Custom Designing items just for you
- Magickal Needs A beautiful collection of metaphysical jewelry, ritual tools, books and videos.
- Maledicta Moonchild Mail order shop for Wiccan/Pagan related books, jewelry, and ritual supplies.
- MidAtlantic Reclaiming A cell of the Reclaiming Collective, we are a non-profit group providing a yearly, weeklong spiritual retreat with Starhawk and the Reclaiming Collective , along with various spirituality-focused workshops and events throughout the remainder of the year.
- MoonCircles Correspondence and creativity for spirited women since 1984. Check out website and send SASE for free brochure.
- Moonlight Press Goddess-related and woman-inspired shirts, cards, and gifts
- Moonscents & Herb Gardens Mail order store for oils, incense, herbs, books & supplies.
- MoonScents & Magickal Blends A one stop magickal mail order shop. Wiccan, Pagan, Goddess, Incense, Oils, Books, Clothing, Spells, Crystals, Jewelry, Candles, Herbs, Resources, Book of Shadows, Pagan/Wiccan Links, Newsletter, FREE Catalog
- MoonWolfs Private Den Merry Meet! Lists of pagan & wiccan links and 'things that make me HOOOWWWLLL'....
- Mulcibre's Pagan Page Award winning site which provides introductory resources for those new to paganism and/or Wicca.
- MYSTICAL CROSSROADS WEBSITE Thousands of items for magickal users, + over 35,000 books covering everything metaphysical. Owned & operated by a Wiccan!
- Mystical Moon Designs Crystal Faery Wands ~ custom-made wands
- The Neo Pagan Times The Neo Pagan Times is a quarterly periodical for the global Pagan/New Age community. It features well written articles on Paganism, the New Age, Environment and Music.
- Neopagan community directory at Lysator
- Neopagan Directory
- The Northern Company Cast Iron Cauldrons, Aromatherapy, Candles, Aromatherapy Body Care Products, Essential Oils.
- The Northern Company Cast Iron Cauldrons, Aromatherapy Products, Iron Products
- Ommadawn's International Drumcircle Directory Drumming dancing drum circles
- Pagan Community Resource Guide This will hopefully become one of the best Pagan Community Resources on the web.
- PagaNet Published 8 times/year, we focus on Wicca & other Earth-centered spiritual belief systems, while including information of interest to those following these paths, as well as the community at large.
- Paganism FAQ
- Peter Stone Company, Sterling Silver&Marcasite Jewelry sterling silver&marcasite, celtic, pagan, New Age, &more
- The Realm of EVOHE A Wiccan page dedicated to the God
- The Sacred Feminine oil paintings and sculptures by visionary artist Montserrat
- The Seekers of Wisdom Society - Taunton, MA A group dedicated to the search for wisdom through the study and practice of mysticism and magick. A great place to learn, and teach, the Old Ways! All with sincere interest in the Craft are welcome. Blessed be!
- Selene's Wicca Page
- Shadows and Light Witchcraft to Aliens! Alien head sculpture, Witchcraft course (online intro), Internet Spellcasting magazine, and more!
- Snake and Snake Productions Lunar Phase Card, pagan Wheel of the Year Calendar, t-shirts of Goddesses, moons, stars,trees, Solstice & Equinox cards.
- Starbound and Lone Wolf's Den What would you do if your daughter said: Mom, I'm a Witch.
- Starlyte Enterprises Starlyte Enterprises strives to meet your Occult Supply needs by providing the highest quality items possible. We are owned and operated by practicing craft members of the Celtic/Wiccan tradition.
- TABIA'S LIGHTHOUSE A dynamic company dedicated to providing products and services of Light, Peace and Progress CHECK US OUT!!
- Temple of The Craft The Craft Of The Wise information Base, Specialized group.
- The Unofficial CUUPS Web Site , material related to the Convenant of UU Pagans
- The Virtual Circle An entry point for the solitary practitioner.
- Welcome To Avalon Wicca, info on Celtic Wicca and Earth Religions
- Welcome to Greg Edwards's Web Sites!
- Well of the Phoenix ProtoNest The Well of the Phoenix is a group of interdependent rugged individuals joined together in love and trust, creating our family clan within the greater tribe of the Neo-Pagan Church of All Worlds. We are located near Madison, WI
- The White Oak Tree Coven Eastern Cincinnati Eclectic Coven, also you will find here the Wicca 101 classes we hold weekly.
- WICCA Wiccan & Pagan pendants and giftware since 1979
- Wicca 101 @ Red Deer's & Elenya's WebSite An educational page on Wicca and other Pagan religions. Contains Class Logs, Full Moon Rituals, Basic Information, Reading Lists and Resources.
- Wiccan Educational Resource Network A mass of information about the Wiccan religion as well as an extensive list of resources such as contact groups, teachers, clergy, anti-discrimination resources & much more. Home of the Florida chapter of the Witches' League for Public Awareness.
- Willkommen bei Hag & Hexe Magazin für Schamanismus, Magie und Naturreligion - in Deutsch - only in German :-(
- The Witches' Persephone Call Her Persephone or Kore...this page is devoted to the dark goddess in both her classic and Wiccan aspects...
- WLPA-Idaho Work for Religious Freedom, Network with other Pagans, Wiccans, etc. In Perfect Love and Perfect Trust!
- The Wooden Wand Tarot pouches, Ritual Clothing, Jewelry and more!