Greetings to you, the lucky finder of this golden ticket! Tremendous things
are in store for you! Many wonderful surprises await for you! I do invite you to
enter my factory and be my guest. You, and all the others lucky enough
to find my golden ticket. I, Squeaky, will conduct you around my factory, showing you everything there is
to see. I am preparing other surprises that are even more marvelous and more
fantastic for you and all my beloved ticket holders-mystic and marvelous
surprises that will entrance you, delight, intrigue, astonish and perplex you.
Now, my ticket holders-on to the factory!
What my site holds will shock and astound you, mystify and amaze you! Well, probably not, but it makes you want to take a look doesn't it?
Choose Your Weapon: Frames Version The frames version has a few perks, like not having to go back to the main page to view ALL my pages on my site, and they also have a list of coming attractions. No Frames Version This version is updated at the same time as my frames version (amazing how that works!) but to follow all the links to all my pages, you have to keep going back to the main page. It's just the way it has to be. Same great fun stuff though!