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Do you have a Tribal or Fusion Dance website to share with the world? 
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Tribal Dance Ring
A web ring for Middle Eastern Dancers, Musicians, and enthusiasts. (opens new page)


If you want to know the standard stuff about me, pure and simple

Married Life

Can you be a newlywed forever?


Middle Eastern Dance
An all consuming passion 

Friends and Family

No, not MCI..


Get into my head.


NEW STUFF Updated April 3, 2003
This page is VERY old. While I have updated some of the external links, the content is about 2 years old.  In "Sharon Years", that's like a lifetime! Enjoy.

Tribal Belly Dance Classes in Seattle with Me!
Tribal classes in Seattle?!  I am sharing my love of Tribal Belly Dance with Seattle, three nights a week.  Join our circle of supportive women to learn this earthy dance.  We always have fun!

Gretchen and Loki are our "babies". An English Springer Spaniel and German Wirehaired Pointer mix that looks like a terrier (though she takes after her German side the most), and a Border Collie mix that looks all Border Collie.  They're our baby practice!  They are great pups--we got really lucky with these babes.  Link leads to pics of Loki when we first got him.

Mandala Tribal carries Kamikaze Costumes!

Mandala Tribal is my new company name. It is the blanket organization which covers all my classes and workshops, my performances, and of course my costumes and accessories.  Kamikaze Costumes will focus on hand-made and one-of-a-kind items.  Mandala Tribal carries all the rest--imported textiles and jewelry, videos and music, and much more!

So many little time!

This Tribal Dance Ring
site is owned by (oddly enough) Sharon.

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