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                             Welcome To
Dilini's Hypnotic Lair
Lay back, put your feet up, click and enjoy!

      Dilini Perera
AOL IM: Hyper032
Yahoo Pager: Hurdleb
IRC: Kahlua`
ICQ: #7956603 or Kahlua`

So this is me.  If you don't like it, please move on, I didn't want you here ANYway!  For those of you who stayed, let me tell you all a little bit about myself...  I started school at UMBC ( University of Maryland-Baltimore County for all of you that don't know) in the fall of '98, which makes me a junior.  I'm 20 years old and am originally from upstate NY.  To find out more fascinating details click here!

Hangin out at my Uncles house!

Junior Prom, 1997The night I met Foxy Brown by accident and almost had to get in a rumble with her.

For your favorite part, and mine... PiCtUrEs!

And a little something for those of you who are extra nosey...

Feel free to drop me a line at
             and tell me how you liked my page!

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Under heavy Construction.....
don't worry, you'll like it when it's done!
Come back soon and visit.