Adam's Killer Website!

Welcome the Adam's Homepage. Some of you might know me as Lord Hunter. I know this page isn't really "Killer" but I'm trying. My friend is helping me with it, but I don't think she knows what she's doing. Well a little about me. I'm a 15 year old christian. God is the best thing in the world. Then my family. I have a little sister, 11, and brother, 7. They are really annoying. Next in line is my friends. I have a bunch, but rarely want to talk to them. But who could blame me, the only ones who I see are girls, and they beat on me all the time. I also like video games, the more blood the better! As far as music goes, christian is best. And I'm talking things like dc Talk and Supertones.

And what about my girlfriend Heather. She is awesome. She is also my best friend. I love her to death. She is also Christian and totally in love with God.

Email me!