Tim Berkheiser's Home Page
Last updated: 8 Jaunary 2006
To find out more about me and to see pictures, check out some of the links below.  I have a lot of pictures that I have taken from races that I have attended, and hopefully will be able to post some of them in the near future.  Don't forget to sign the guestbook at the top of the page.

e-mail:  tberkheiser@att.net
AOL IM:  SKIdog1978
Yahoo messenger:  t_berk

feel free to send me e-mail or IM me anytime
Click here to find out about me (Interests, likes, dislikes, etc.) and for more pictures
Visit my MySpace page
Links to some my racing pictures
Pictures from the 2002 Pepsi 400 (Michigan)
Pictures from the 2002 Michigan Indy 400
Pictures from the 2002 Brickyard 400
Pictures from the 2001 Unides States Grand Prix (Indy)
Pictures from the 2001 Pepsi 400 (Michigan)
Click here to go to my Webshots Community website to see additional pictures from races