Welcome to the Interracial Marriages list


Here is a message from our Moderator, Colleen Barrett:


Colleen and Ben (a.k.a. mjladyusa@netscape.net)



Welcome to the list. Please take a moment to review this message.

I am so glad you have subscribed to the Interracial Marriages List. Please feel free to discuss any issues, stories, or etc. regarding Interracial Marriages. It would be great if you sent an introduction of yourself/family!

Let me take this opportunity to introduce myself. My name is Colleen and I am the moderator of the list. I am 39, caucasian and live in Mt. Juliet, Tennessee. My significant is Ben, 46 and from mixed heritage (black and caucasian). We have been together for eight years and have no children. We do have two dogs named Pettie and Slugger. I started this list to share with others who are in Interracial Marriages and to learn from others as well.

We look forward to hearing from you. You may email your post to: interracialmarriages@onelist.com

To unsubscribe from this list, go to the Onelist web site, at www.onelist.com, and select the User Center link from the menu bar on the left. This menu will also let you change your subscription between digest and normal mode.


Colleen Barrett




We have created this web site to share some pictures and backgrounds of several of our members to those that are just joining our list. Please let us know if you would like to be included in our group web site. You will find a poem written by Colleen called "Our Love has no Color" at the end of the site. We welcome you and we look forward to hearing from you! Hope you enjoy!


Eva Jester (a.k.a. Eva.Jester@KurtSalmon.com)


Carla and Steve (a.k.a. sardonyx@earthlink.net)

Carla and J (a.k.a. sardonyx@earthlink.net)

Wow, this joint has been jumping for a few days now, hasn't it? It's getting hard to know where to jump in :)

Now that the holidays are over (and the busy time at work doesn't start until next week), I just wanted to come in and say hello and welcome to the newbies, and Happy New Year to all. It's been pretty interesting reading. Makes me realize again how lucky I've been with my partner. We've been married almost 25 years, and both families have been great about it all along. My mom wasn't thrilled back when we were dating (worried about my "reputation" and "what would

the neighbors think?" sort of stuff). Once I told her when were getting married, though, she was totally okay with everything. (For those who don't know - I'm black, my husband is white.) An interesting aside - my

parents-in-law have been divorced for years, and my father-in-law's girlfriend is black, and they're the parents of a 17 year old son. We're polyamorous, and I'm also involved with J, another white man. I've met all of his family, and although I don't see them often, they've never been anything but nice to me. I got lucky twice, it seems :)

Ah well...I'll try to pop in again, as time permits.





Shan and Max (a.k.a. SJones5558@aol.com)


Raquel and Chris (a.k.a. PURPLEDIVA@aol.com)

Welcome to the list, Eva! Congratulations on your recent marriage! I was also recently married on September 19th. I am a 27 year old Black female and my husband is a 30 year old White male. We first met five years ago but did

not start dating until December 96. We have been very happy together. Marriage has been wonderful! Fortunately, for us we didn't have as many problems as you have faced. We had a few problems and his sister and I are

not close because of it, but I get along fine with everyone else. I guess there has to be at least one bad apple. Hopefully, your husband's parents will learn to accept his marriage one day. And if they don't accept you then it is their loss.

Hopefully we can provide some support for you!






Cat and Jerry (a.k.a. cmacjvan@calweb.com)

Hello All,

I would like to reintroduce ourselves, I'm Cat and My husbands name is Jerry, We have been married almost 8 months. I invite you to visit our WebPages, there you will find links to our wedding pictures, reception pictures, and also Honeymoon pictures. http://www.calweb.com/~cmacjvan

Both of us were married before and have children from the previous marriages. My 2 are teens, my son lives on the east coast with my ex-husband, my daughter lives with us. His daughter is in her early 20's a college student and lives on her own, and his son is a college student and lives with his ex wife. For a added bonus visit my son's web page created by his sister, This page has some family shots taken this past Christmas.


My husband has had the life experience of teaching at the High School level, also a Football coach for the last 25 years or so, as well as a Track Coach.


Are there any West Coast People here?? How long has this forum been in existence??

What is this forums main Objective What is this forums Focus?



Beth and Alain (a.k.a. Kathychapm@aol.com)


Hi, My name is Beth, I', 28 and live in Central VA. My SO name is Alain and

we have been married almost 2 years. We have no children at this time but are

trying to remedy that ASAP. I grew up in central texas and his family is from

the Dominican Republic, but he grew up mostly in NYC. I would love to talk

with anyone in Va or anywhere.

Glad to meet everyone,



From: "wam" <wam@gamewood.net>

Hi, just signed on the list last week. I am on a quaker parrot list and there are about 350 people on that list and I receive anywhere from 50 to 150 email messages a day from that list. I was a little hesitant about

getting on another list, because I don't think I could take that kind of volume from another list. I try to get online and read my messages every day but sometimes it is impossible and then when I do get back on to read

them it is pretty wild, to say the least. Oh well why I signed on to the list, I am a white 35 year old female married

to a black 37 year old male, been married 10 years in Virginia. We have to children, a girl age 61/2 and a boy 4. Have lots of animals and are very happy. We dated 3 years before getting married and we are working on year 11.



From: SnoopyHug@aol.com

Hi everyone,

My name is Terri and I am 30 years old. My husband and I have been married for almost 2 years (2 years in April), no kids (yet), no pets (apartment wouldn't allow any pets!!). My husband (Bill, age 33) is caucasian and is in

the military. I am Asian but have lived in the U.S. most of my life. I work full time at a printing company as a client service coordinator. We will be moving to another duty station in a few months.

We're thinking of starting a family soon. I would love to hear some of your stories and experiences on your relationship. I am most concerned about my relationship with my mother-in-law because she is extremely traditional and I

don't think she is totally comfortable with the fact that her son has married someone that isn't caucasian. She hasn't mentioned anything directly to me or my husband - but when she has visited us - she had made some "racial" comments

about non-caucasians which bothered me a great deal. Would love to hear from this loop :)


From: pbagadion@geocities.com


My name is Patti. I'm a 32 yr. old white F married to a 32 yr. old Filipino male. We've been married four years this year.


From time to time, I feel uncomfortable around my in-laws, especially when they speak Bicol in front of me. I don't want them to speak only English in my presence, and I've told them they should feel free to speak to each other in whatever way is most comfortable, but sometimes I feel very different around them, like they call me "that white girl who married him." I know they don't -- they're wonderful people and I love them all. And I am trying to learn Tagalog (Bicol is a dialect) so I can use a few words now and then. It's important for me to understand their culture and my husband is teaching me many things. But when I can't understand them, I feel like an outsider. Does anyone else have in-laws or your spouse's friends who speak another language?



From: Hitzewelle@aol.com


Hi colleen,

my name is shun - i am 29, black and married to steve- lebanese, 34. no






Eva and Corey


From: "Jester, Eva" <EvaJester@AlloyMail.com>

Colleen and all of you ladies on this great list:

Thanks for the Welcome!

My name is Evangeline Jester (Eva for short). My husband and I met about two and a half years ago. His name is Corey and he is 29 years old and I am 28 years old. My husband is Black and I am Indian from India). We had mutual friends for years (he actually was a friend of my sister's) but we never met until August of 1996. We had both been through some difficult relationships! He had been married before and I had been in a relationship with someone for 6 1/2 years (it was like being married). We were still battling with many issues from our pasts when we met. Corey says that when he met me he knew that he had found the love of his life and that he would marry me someday. I did not know that however. We started hanging out as friends (a whole group of us) for several months. At the time I was not even looking for a relationship. I thought I was still in love with my ex-boyfriend and I thought that I would never get over him. Well I was wrong! I started to miss Corey when he wasn't around. We would talk on the phone for hours and spill our guts to each other and before we knew it things were progressing. After being friends for several months, I realized one night that the love of my life was right here and I had been totally oblivious. We started dating then and in about two months we moved in together, were engaged exactly two years ago today (January 5) and we just recently got married (August 1, 1998).

Our relationship is great and we have a great relationship with my parents who have opened their arms and their hearts to Corey and have accepted him as their son. On the other hand, our relationship with Corey's parents and entire family is very rocky. We did not go over there for the holidays even though they only live about fifteen minutes from us. I am not sure if the reason that our relationship is rocky is because of the fact that he married outside of his race or not but most of his family has pretty much shunned us. Corey is a very strong-willed person but they seem to feel as if I am making him pull away from them. I would never do that! I love him too much for that because I know how important family is. There have been lies spread because Corey's father had handed his auto detailing business to Corey and when we got married the story was that my grandfather, my parents and I were plotting on taking Corey's father's business over and that Corey was in cahoots with us. That is preposterous! His father took the business back from Corey when we were on our honeymoon and since then Corey has left after working with his father for ten years. What a wonderful father, huh? Then a few weeks before the wedding my father had called Corey's mom because they had never met even though we had been together for almost two years (they only live fifteen minutes away from each other). My parents wanted to get together and met Corey's parents before our wedding and believe me when I tell you, it was like pulling teeth to get Corey's parents to actually come over. They would say that they would come and then at the last minute would say they couldn't. Corey and I only found out just recently that when my father had called and spoke to Corey's mom the first time that she had said "Corey is too good for your daughter". What kind of a thing is that to say to your son's future in-laws?

I am sorry to have gone on and on about my life story. I hope you will all forgive me! Some introduction, huh? My relationship with Corey is wonderful and I love him with all of my heart and that is the only thing that matters. Five months and counting!!!!!!! Hope all of you are having a good day so far and thanks again for the welcome!


Eva Jester


Our Love Knows No Color


We love each other and it feels right,

Neither looks at the other as Black nor White.

It does not matter about the color of our skin,

However, others it sometimes offends.


Others forgetting our color difference is our wish,

Although, we have learned to deal with others prejudice.

As we look into each other’s eyes,

We think how lucky we are to have this special girl or guy.

It’s because our love constantly grows,

To others we are not ashamed to let it show.


The one I love is a different color from me,

This does not make me love him differently.

People will talk about us and put us down,

Our name like mud, they will sling all over town.

Sometimes I wonder if they are exposing jealousy,

Since I can love someone with a different skin color from me.


A skin color does not make a man or woman,

It is what in life for themselves they plan.

By loving him I was told I would make nothing of my life,

How truly happy are they with their husband or wife?

Maybe at themselves they should take a closer look,

What stories have been hidden in their family’s books?



Colleen Barrett

August 1, 1995


Copyright C 1995 by V. Colleen Barrett