Physical Stats


Old Upstart Wrestling Site
Spotlight Syndicate Wrestling
News 2/2/08
I've recently taken a break from writing Eclipse again in OWF. Instead I'm headed back to Shootclub. I think only Svo knows what Shootclub is so I'll tell you. It's not your typical efed. Instead it's an internet wrestling community with 2 games in one. On one hand you have statistics and earn experience while participating in simmed matches. Your moves are based on the design of your moveset. Who doesn't love feeling like you are accomplishing something by watching your wrestler grow? Then there's the more standard game where you write promos and participate in written shows. The community is full of friendly, helpful people who like working with each other to have fun. That's what seems so lost these days in regular efedding. Most forget that it's about having fun. Draco has already signed for Shootclub and Svo said he would most likely be going there too. If any of you would like to at least check it out I'm providing a link.

Shootclub Online Wrestling Game

News 1/3/08
More work is being done on the MVW Shrine. I'm glad so many of you have gotten nostalgiac enjoyment from it.

News 1/1/08
I'm debating on altering the RP sections here or just posting a link to a compilation of them. Also I'm preparing to add sections for other characters.
The Asylum Poll

On-Site Extras
Message Board
Old MVW Site/Shrine

Copyright © 1999 Dark Asylum Publishing. Theft of my work is unadvised because there will no doubt be a lawsuit as a result of it.