Free Tarot Readings - How It Works

Looking for free tarot readings? We've gathered links to hundreds of readers offering free readings, horoscopes, numerology reports, and many other types of readings. You'll find tons of information on tarot, astrology, and many other new age and metaphysical topics -- all available free!

So what's the big deal? What's so interesting about tarot? What can it offer you?
Well, many people feel that Tarot helps them gain perspective in their lives -- it helps them view their lives and life events in a new light. It can provide guidance -- by helping you guide yourself. Take control of your life -- instead of letting your life control you.

Curious? Why not start off by signing up for the free tarot reading offered to the right! Just enter your email address in the box to the right and click the "Join eGroups" button! After you do, you'll receive a free general reading every week!

Want more? Try the rest of the readers! To find them, click on the "Tarot Readers" list (it's constantly growing, so check back often!)

What kind of reader offers free readings? First, please don't make a "it's worth what you pay for" judgement -- you'll find many highly skilled readers offer free readings. I've quite often found free readings to be just as good (or better) than paid readings.

Next, as you can imagine, the demand for free readings is usually more than a reader can keep up with. Because of this, many readers only accept a certain number of requests at a time. Other readers offer a "drawing" for free readings. Usually you can enter these drawings as often as you wish -- so visit often and increase your chances!

You'll also see some readers offering "robot" readings. This is a term for a reading performed by software. I'm making no value judgements on these readings -- the value in anything is what you perceive. You might give the robots a try -- and be pleasantly surprised! One nice feature about a robot is that there is never any backlog!

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Free Tarot Readings

Free Tarot Readings

free tarot readings

Free Tarot Readings! Click for Readers!

We've gathered links where you'll find hundreds of readers offering free readings, horoscopes, numerology reports, and many other types of readings. You'll find tons of information on tarot, astrology, and many other new age and metaphysical topics -- all available free!

Curious? Why not start off by signing up for the free reading offered above! Just enter your email address in the box above, then click the "Join eGroups" button! After you do, you'll receive a free general reading every week!

Want more? Try the rest of the readers! To find them, click on the "Tarot Readers" list (it's constantly growing, so check back often!)

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