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A random quote to brighten your day from Ryan Stiles, who is an actor on the Drew Carey Show and Whose Line is it Anyway.

More book reviews for Nora's book reviews,more Whose Line is it anyway? (Wliia) pages, and a frameset will come soon, I promise! Also I have a new guestbook because the old one became obsolete. Click on the button saying "Sign Guestbook" (Duh!) to be one of the first to have their names immortalized in my book!See my new little half brother!

Hey everyone! Welcome to my page of many things I love. Thanks to all of you who have helped make my page reach 500 hits!!! I couldn't have done it without you, well actually I could have, but that would have taken a lot of reloading on my home page and I'm not that pathetic yet (key word is yet). Some general background info about me is that I come from a sleepy Chicago suburb, I play the clarinet, oboe, saxophone, english horn, and piano, I love improv comedy, which my favorite comedian/actor (Ryan Stiles) does for a living. Web page designing also became a joy of mine over the past three years. This page has been up for about a year and a half now and it's code was written by me except for the cursor. I hope you find the information on this screen appealing. Most pages are under "heavy construction", except for a few like WLIIA ("Whose Line is it Anyway?") and my guestbook, which you should sign to tell me what I am doing wrong or even what I am doing right. Well, enough of my chatter (A.K.A. rambling). May your day not be filled with standardized tests! Enjoy the rest of the page!

Click here to try to win the Dave World's Approved award

I'd like to thank everyone for getting me to the middle 5% of the web and for also getting me the Dave World's Approved award, it's such a great honor. *sniffle* Also, I hope you enjoy my cool buttons by Cool Archive. Visit back soon for more improvements.
Infinite Fish