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 | Welcome to my personal
homepage on the web, courtesy of
GeoCities.com, Thank you very much!. This is my 4th year of writing HTML, JAVAScript, VBScript, and ASP. I know it is poorly designed but what's inside is more important, so I hope you can bear with my page. |

 | This page mostly contains programs written with Visual Basic 5 and 6, all of them freeware. So feel free to download them. I also included interesting links to other pages which I think is helpful to a VB die hard like me. I have been writing programs for about six years now, mostly programs that help me automate my work as a Programmer. It is only lately that I began to have interest in writing custom controls and other utilities, including HTML tools. What really drives me crazy to write free software are those shareware programs that ask for high payment and yet doesn't work as expected. I said to myself 'I can do a lot better than that!'. So, as a result, here I am, writing free software for everybody's perusal. I hope you will find my programs interesting. I also accept requests as long as I can do it. |

 | For comments, suggestions and request about my
programs, about this page or anything sensible that you think I should know, please don't hesitate to send me an email at butzperez@yahoo.com, or better yet, use the ICQ Pager. I shall answer all of them as soon as I have the time. |

 | I would like to thank GOD for His blessings. And ofcourse, thanks to my parents... especially my mother, even she was not with me when I grow up, she
doesn't stop supporting me while I'm in school. |

 | Thank you for visiting my homepage.
Feel free to comeback soon with new updates on this page...

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since September 5, 2000 |


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