My name is Wil and I started building this page around the year 2000 if I'm not wrong with the goal of pleasing the public who shares the same likes as me. I hope this project, as I like to call it, is of your like. A list of the page's features is listed below (the menu is after the text):
Music Page - featuring some of my favorite Gothic, Symphonic and Black Metal bands with their discography, lyrics and pictures (more to come).
Gallery Page - A page with several beautiful Galleries, featuring a Dragon's Gallery, Wizards, Mythology, Faeries, Miscellaneous and my pictures.
Quartz, Stones and Minerals Page - this is my latest creation. Since it was so hard for me to find a good quartz page online, then I'm making one by myself, using Scott Cunningham's book, a very respected master of elemental magic, whose work has become the foundation of the Wiccan culture. Also some alternative information is being used like Jewelry Central Homepage (go to the Link Pages) and a GeoCentral mini book.
Educational Pages - Information and important biographies about people I admire or themes that call my attention like Leonardo Da Vinci, and Shakespeare. Soon, I'll add Edgar Allen Poe, Amadeus Mozart and the Bermuda's Triangle (Devil's Triangle). This might be very helpful if you are doing a work about them or if you just enjoy studying these things (like me) then it can be very entertaining and self-growing.
Fun Page - includes Blonde Jokes pages, a Death Test (by, a Love (Sign Congeniality)Test, a Freak/Sideshow Gallery, among other stuff...
Links Page - It's a page with the links of my supporters and links to some other very interesting pages..
Autobiography - there you'll find a brief description of me with some facts of my life, just as a preview, I'm a Puertorican female of the classic-gothic culture.
Contact Me - where you can e-mail me or send a Yahoo Message to congratulate me for my great site :) Please don't hesitate to contact me if there's any doubt, mistake or if my help is needed.
Guestbook - Not a short one anymore, the first one got full so I created a new one with html Gear which far better in graphics than the first one. Please don't forget to sign it! ;)
I have a terrible defect... I haven't finished with one thing when I'm already starting another one. You'll find that many of these pages aren't completed but they are viewable at least. I ask for your understanding, please be patient. I'll update once it is finished, meanwhile enjoy what I have for the moment and tell your friends about it if you like it. Thanks for visiting and come back soon! :) |