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Poetic Visions



(6-9-01) Thought of the Week : "Why?"
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Tuesday, March 23, 2004 webpage if pretty damn pointless isn't it?...okay i'll just update this page again some other day...which is probably in another year and a half...just visit my UNR Computer Science homepage for now...

Tuesday, December 17, 2002
Werd up homies...*ahem*...well i'm done with this semester...i juss had my last final today and oh man did that suck...damned physics...well...on sunday night, i went to a hip hop show featuring eyedea and unified school district and a local band by the name of abominable flowmen...everyone laughs whenever they hear that name...but yeah the show was fricken dope...the only thing that sucked was that we had to wait outside for an hour in the fricken freezing cold...oh yeah and after the show i met eyedea and I even had a chance to interview went a little something like this:


and that's how it went...i even shook his hand....WITH THIS HAND RIGHT HERE!!! *pointing at my right hand*...well yeah i shall go now...until next time...peace outside home skillets...*ahem*...

Tuesday, December 3, 2002
Reno is cold...well i stumbed across this calender at so check it out sometime...i juss thought it was really's real time too!!! arite i shall go now...bye.

Thursday, November 21, 2002
Well...It's gotten pretty cold here in Reno...but that won't stop me from barely and rarely ever update my page! well nothing much new...i just wanted to link you guys to It's a rabbit that chases your's pretty cool...but if you don't care then you suck...oh well...back to homework...okaybye

Monday, October 28, 2002
Yeah...i've still been busy with school...and i decided to take a i went to check my email and got some hilarious links from my buddies trung, dean, and mr. clark, so check them out...if you go to, you will find out why kids suck...and if you go to, I dunno...i can't really's just hella funny...thank Trung for that one...and if you go to, you will hear a song...this was one of my favorite songs back in middle school but i can't remember the name of please listen to it and if you kno the artist and title, i'd greatly appreciate it because i wanna go download if you kno me back...well...i just wanted to hook u up with some links so have a safe and fun Halloween...okaybye

Tuesday, September 24, 2002
Busy with school lately...oh yeah and i took this test that tells me what X-men character i am...and i turned out to be my hero...
Remy LeBeau
I'm Remy LeBeau
What X-Men Character are You?

Well have a good day everyone...sign my guestbook...i get lonely sometimes and want to read what's up with people.

Tuesday, July 2, 2002
Well hello there...since i hardly ever update this thing...i decided that i will only update this page if i have something to add to it besides nonsense on this intro page...well i juss went to Great America with some friends for the weekend last weekend...first time i've been there in 2 years...and that Psycho Mouse ride is scary as hell (i'm serious) and demon had no line so we rode that 4 times in a gun still kicks all ass (especially in the back row)...i'm still so much in love with you Bubbles!...a hamster is hella loud in our living room and is scaring the shit outta me...*ahem*...not literally...*cheeks begin to blush*...and Trung juss sent me this Where's Waldo's pretty cool...Do you want to see it? then check it out at're going to have to look long and hard at this's take your time and check it out some...i'm gonna go play some Beetle Adventure Racing now (that game kicks all other games that feature the VW's bug...ya heard meah!)...and then sleep some...goodbye for now people...see you next update...FIND WALDO!!!

Saturday, April 27, 2002
Happy Birthday April!!!...well...that's one thing outta the way...if u havent been here in a while (or ever) make sure u help me figure out what the hell that thing is in my alleyway under the February 6th update...i still dont know what it is...and also...i updated the BoutMe section of my pages...juss fixed my email address and my age and my school since i dont go to high school anymore...and i think that's it...but i gotta get back to doing my final paper in english...yay last semester of english i'll ever take...Western Tradition awaits...*sigh*...well now...i must go...*blowing up like Agent Smith from the Matrix*

Thursday, April 11, 2002
April already?! Whoa that was fast...I've been neglecting to update my homepage but yeah! Here I am now...and I'm just here to say i updated the poll to the left over there about the Simpsons...I added Hans Moleman...he's fricken hilarious...make sure you vote and check out that alleyway under February 6's scanner decided to start working again so expect some new pictures to be up by...ummm...summer or something like that...but for now I must go...*running into a public telephone booth and coming out as Superman and flying away*

Wednesday, February 6, 2002
Well, haven't been here in a long while...well i juss wanted to add this livecam of the side of my house, i've been hearing things out there and i've been wondering what it is...

Please look closely at this for a while and see if you can see anything in my alley way...thank ya!

Tuesday, September 18, 2001
wOo...i'm back...and the only new stuff i added today are some new PC Camera Pictures of me and tina...they're wierd ones so yeah...and i want to say HAPPY BIRTHDAY to trung (14th) and chris (21st) and my new baby nephew NATHAN!!! (17th). Well that's it now...okaybye

Wednesday, September 11, 2001
Hello again...yeah it's been wayy too long since my last update...sorry i haven't updated this thing in a while...i've been busy with homework and such...yeah i got some hard classes but OH WELL...i'm juss updating to show u that i'm still alive and so is this webpage...*hearing a heartbeat coming out of the computer*...*gasping*...well condolences go out to those who were brutally killed in the terrorist attacks in New York...i juss hope everything turns out okay cuz if it doesnt, it may spell out the end of the world...but maybe not?! hopefully not...*Shrugs*...well...i'm gonna go eat now since i'm on my lunch break...HAVE FUN EVERYBODY!!! I LOVE YOU TINA!!!...okaybye

Tuesday, June 19, 2001
Uhhh...nothing much updated...juss the BoutMe section...juss changed my email and aim screen name and all...well yeah...i'm tina-less rite now...i wish i were in europe with her rite now...oh week week to go...*knees collapse*...i need u back! kay enough of scanner juss broke so i cant scan anything rite the only way i can put new pictures here is if its either a pc camera picture or if i go to a friend's house *cough* BJ's *cough* someday and scan some new's gonna be kinda hard tho considering the masking tape behind all of them which are sticking on my room wall...well i think i'm juss babblin on so i shall stop now...*freezing as if eve from out of this world juss froze time*

Saturday, June 9, 2001
OVER ONE MONTH!!! i gotta start updating this thing more often...oh well...yeah last wednesday (the sixth) was my graduation and it was sorta fun in a boring sort of way...and my party is later today...wOo barbecue!!! yeah and now there's family comin my cousin's boyfriend gave me this link ( and that has to be the coolest fricken flash animation ever so check it out! school's over and it's time to make the most of it...*staring at the luminant monitor in the dark listening to the party boy song* arite so i go now...later

Sunday, May 13, 2001
Whoa...I haven't updated this thingamagig in over a month now...hahah damn AP tests sucked and i've been overwhelmed by them...yes...all one of them...juss calculus LOL...well, I wrote a story called An Elf's Tale in English and lotsa people liked it so I'm making it available for all of you to read it in the Poetic Visions section because it's a poem-type thingamagig...arite then...well yeah...lass nite was prom...wOo that was cool...and i juss gotta say again TINA YER THE COOLEST PERSON I KNOW! LOL arite...sorry people about how i haven't added yer poems yet...i'll get to it some day LOL arite then...i go now...okaybye...

Saturday, April 7, 2001
Since i'm not in the mood to do homework and its freezing outside...i decided to really update something on my I fixed up the Poetic Visions section of FiSSi0N. Make sure u check that out...and sorry to those who sent me poems to put up...i can't get into my email rite now so i'll see what i can do later...and i added a new poem there...its called Silence. Nothing great really, I'm juss bored and goin insane with the utter silence in my house...well...i shall go now and make invitations...OH YEAH!!! MCQUEEN'S GRADUATION IS WEDNESDAY, JUNE 6, go to lawler events center and scream fer me yah? *daydreaming about graduation day*...*hearing one person screaming "GO HANS!!!" when i'm on stage*...*walking offstage in silence*...LOL arite so i will go now...until next time...*throwing rocks at u and running away really fast*
LAST MINUTE UPDATE BEFORE THE DAY IS OVER!!!--->well...i was bored and in the garage and stumbled upon masks and i put them on and took some pictures of it LOL!!! oh mayn...that was so stupid...oh well...if u wanna see them, go to the PC Camera Pictures section, arite? kay i go now and look for more stuff to play with in the garage...*finding a sledgehammer*...*triple h's music hits*

Friday, April 6, 2001
kay...well it's friday nite and i'm doin i'm here...wOo?...Well...i really have nothing to update...i'm juss here eatin up space while eatin up time...and cookies...*shrugs*...yeah...juss one friday without u sucks...(u kno who im talking about rite? rite?...tina? u get it rite?...*shrugs*) hahah...kay i dunno if im embarassing u or flattering u...but i missed u so much...go ahead and ask april...i think i was kinda annoying her talkin about u...hahah *shrugs*...kay im juss blabbin on now...must be the nyquil...*falling asleep on the keyboard*

Saturday, March 24, 2001
wOo dawgy...i juss had one of the best times of my life ever...well so the day after the fun day...*shrugs* here i am in front of my computer...*crying*...hahah well yeah...I fixed up the Pictures section of my page to look uniform to the new format i'm using on my page...still...some sections are still in the ghetto old fer lass was cool cuz it was kinda like lass summer all over again...with (almost) everyone kickin it together again...wOo?...and oh yeah tina...yer juss too damn cool...LOL...well okay...i'll be off then...and congratulations april!!! u star-struck sishter of mine...hahah well i go now...*somehow folding into a paper crane*

Sunday, March 18, 2001 fixed up my BoutMe there, i added "progression pictures." It's wierd how i've grown hahaha *shrugs*...well yeah...i cut down my profile so its hella short (no one ever reads those long ass ones except fer a few people). BLAHRRRR...*cough* I added a few PC Camera Pictures into that section of that page...but i havent made it uniform with the new look juss wait 'till next weekend or something..but since yer here now...make sure u check out my Bald Progression animation in the PC Camera Pictures section...its funny as hell...most likely i'll be home bored as hell again next sucks...wOo? arites then i go now and sleep or something...until next time...okaybye...*throwing down a capsule*...*capsule engufls the air with smoke*...*laughing evilly*...*smoke clears*...*standing where i was staring at u in silence*

Saturday, March 17, 2001 u can see, this page has been totally renovated...well only this section...the other parts are still old...but i'll start workin on that later this weekend...i kinda got the encouragement when i was making an annual report for our Junior Achievement program here in reno. Our company name was Phalanx (click that to check out our hella cool annual report). There's that new poll there on the left over vote! Also, something that i'm really happy about...THE GUESTBOOK IS FIXED!!! YEAH!!! wOo!!! I'm sorry about how it was down...i didn't know what was wrong with it but somehow i fixed it juss a couple of minutes yeah... As for the'm not tryin to advertise fer that new group ICONz...iCONz was our original crew i'm not sportin their music or anything... So does anyone kno when Napster's gonna close? hahah...well i'm gonna go i juss gotta say...THANKS RICHARD FER THE HELP and HEYYYY TINA!!!!...oh yeah and hi chris...ya bastad...LOL jp hahah...*shrugs*...until next time...okaybye