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Strange Dave All-Man & Friends

I feel like I'm going to explode, I need to pee! Aaaaaa!Bloated Dave with a full tummy

Welcome to The David All-Man & Friends Website! 

Special Update!!

As of 11Aug01, this site will be update with new photos and shocking information about people and events that took place, so please stop by for further updates.

This web site is dedicated to Mr. David Alleman and without him, there would be no web site to make us all laugh, cry or get insulted.  I will have up to date Alleman sightings to enlighten all that visit.

Also be on the lookout for special columns and candid camera pictures by Steve Tillman who has joined out staff to bring you mind teasing, gut blowing stories and commentaries. 

Everyone must keep their eye out for this obese international man of bad taste and poor eye for tasty food and misconduct

Big Dave letting out about 12 gallons of urine before he begins to eat his lunch and chase down love interests

I want to introduce everyone to David "The All-Man" Alleman.  He is a 727 pound fat man from Harrisburg, PA.  He's a local celebrity that has enlightened all that have come into contact with him.  Dave has posed for numerous photo shoots and has appeared at local work sites to crash any given party and to throw his weight around.  Dave likes to get a laugh or to cause chaos to the unexpected.  In other words, if someone is throwing a party and there is food involved, Dave the all mighty garbage disposal is there to help himself to the wide range of salty covered snack treats and to inhale any carbonated product to wash down all of the food he consumes.   

Dave is a 36 year old obese man who enjoys doing things that bring a smile to everyone's face.  From falling over a stack of boxes at work to running down the hall to use the bathroom because feces is coming out of his pant legs, he can make anyone laugh by the mere site of him alone.  Uptown, downtown and all around his hometown and beyond via this web site, Dave plays to a massive audience because of the World Wide Web.  Now Dave "The All-Man" can be seen by all that have access to the Internet. 

Local restaurants fear Dave when he approaches their establishment, because if they have an all you can eat special going, they know that they must cook plenty of food to keep him satisfied, which is very hard to do!  Dave enjoys take out from all fast food restaurants, but is favorite place out of them all is Burger King.   He can put down in one sitting 11 Whoppers with cheese and four orders of fries and 7 jumbo cokes. 

Weird fact of the Day.

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This page was last updated on 08/11/01.

This page will be updated Weekly, so keep checking back for more gut splitting entertainment that only this large man can bring to us and of course, we can't forget about his friends that assist with the entertainment.

If you have any questions or concerns dealing with this site, or you have some unauthorized photos of Mr. Alleman or other strange and outrageous people, please E-mail me.mail your comments!

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A special burger made with Possum meat for the All-Man!

This site created and maintained by:
Webmaster Thomas Dopp (Tommy Gunn)

Online since 17Jun99