Ok...I guess I should start off by telling ya 'bout me, eh? Hmmmm let's see....I'm 24 yrs old...from Kentucky...and I'm a nurse. I love basketball =) (of course I'm from Kentucky..hehe), some football, some nascar, wrestling, well...I guess I'd be willing to watch and learn 'bout most any sport. =) Ummmm I like to watch movies....'cepin scary ones unless there's someone here to protect me....hehe....bowling, hanging out, blah..blah..blah...same ole stuff...anyway I hope you enjoy my page...hope you please take time to sign the guestbook =)....oh and ummm one more thing...dont be tooooo critical or hard on it...its my first try at this! And geezo is it confusing and hard...but I's a learning ;o) Ok get on your way and enjoy...

Here are a couple pics of me! Awwwwww wasnt I just a cutsey wootsey when I was 'lil? hehehe!

Ok the first one is of me when I was 2...check out those nice shoes..LMAO...and the other is of me about a week ago..most recent I have but figure I'll get some more over the holidays. =)See any resemblance? =)

If ya wasnt too scared by these first two pics ya can click below to see more. =)

More Pics of Me! (if you dare ;o)..LOL)


Melinda's Page!

I hope you enjoyed all the pics =) .. and you'll come back soon. *hugs and smooches* And take time to smile today...even if you feel you dont have a reason to..because its good for the soul...we all want the same things...love, happiness, and joy...its just a hard road sometimes..but if you know the poem "Footprints in the Sand" think of it when you feel down and alone...I do...and it helps..because you're not alone...ppl do love you and care..and just around the corner there is a rainbow and someone to listen...you just hafta ask! God knows I've learned that the hard way! Thanks to all of you that have been such good friends to me...and have been there so many times...not only to listen to me..but to confide in me as well...because that too shows that you care...care enough to make me a part of your life...and thats what a "true" friendship is...not only someone to listen..but someone you must help too! I love you all! =)

Please take time to sign my guestbook! =)

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