Joys world of Tattoos and Bullshit

Holy crap. Its been ages since I've updated or even looked at my own homepage. Well hot damn I'm back. I have added a few new pictures so you will have to browse around and find them. Sign the swell guestbook and if you have something to say even if you or your question is lame don't be shy ask it. Send your Inquiries to ooh and feel free to steal one of my tattoo depot banners... put them all over so people check out my page alright!!! And don't wrinkle your forehead its not cute :)


Tattoo Depot
Click the banner below and Join My club! Dont worry its NO LONGER a YAHOO "group" Its an all new format! And its all Thanks TO MSN
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Who the hell am I?
My Boy Kai
Aftercare for your tattoo
a couple of my best Chronies MY Profile
Classic Tattoo Jims Page
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