This page is dedicated to a 1965 Honda CB160 Super Sports motorcycle that
I found. Found you ask? Yep some one threw it away in the dump! The wheels
and engine were all locked up and to be honest the dump was probably where
it belonged. But I thought I could strip it down for usable parts and sell
them on ebay and use the money to buy parts for my Harley. I have since decided
to breath new life into it's lungs again instead.
Long story short it looks like hell!
I now have it stripped down and will be restoring this little bike
and sharing my progress as I go.
I will also compile a list of places that I find along the way that have
been helpful to me in my quest for knowledge. The VJMC was the first place
that I was able to find out anything at all, in fact it is because of them
that I even know what I have.
This little bike is also to blame for the fact that I will be starting
a motorcycle salvage yard in hopes of helping others like me who are
need of old parts that are no longer being made. Of course the government
has a lot of red tape for one to go through to set up shop and have a salvage
operation but with the auctions that I will be having on ebay I hope to raise
enough money to be able to jump through all of the hoops they are holding
All I wanted to do was pick up old motorcycles that no one wanted
anymore and find new homes for the donor parts, they were going to sit in
sealed totes in my shed out back, until I got around to making sure they
were worth having and then listing each one on ebay at $1.00. I figured if
I didn't have a lot of money tied up I could have a fun little hobby and
maybe help someone else out too!
But with having to own a piece of land with an office/shop that can
be zoned for a salvage business and a business phone line ( Guess my cell
phone won't do. ) as well as a $30,000 bond or CD if I can't get a
bond. Not too mention that every thing on the property must be fully insured
at all times in order to get and keep the required business license, well
it kinda sucks the fun right out of it. Not that I planed on or could afford
to go big time, you would think they would want to keep these old beast of
of the land fill but I guess they don't care until the old oil gets into
the water supply. Any ways enough crying for now I will still be selling
old bike parts here and there and when and if I get enough capital I will
go legit, till then it will just have to stay a hobby.
Well Things are starting to roll along now, I have found a parts engine
so that I can use the parts from both to make one running engine. Of course
someone between the place where I bought it and the UPS shipping dropped
it and it now sports a crushed front motor mount as well as some lovely broken
cooling fins on the rocker box! Very unhappy! But oh well, what can ya do?
I have found a repair manual and some other goodies on ebay. I an parting
out an 1985 Suzuki FA50. I will be listing the parts on my web site @ luke-and-lauras-giftshop
Thanks again for stopping by, below are the promised links. If you
have a site you'd like to see in the lineup send me an email with the sites
address and so long as it deals with old motorcycles and doesn't trap visitors
or redirect them them to some porn or other useless site I'll list it here
and if you have a links page maybe you can list this site on yours.
My auctions on ebay to help one day fund my salvage yard: ebay
VJMC I am working on putting together a parts exchange program
for members only. It's fee to join if your interested in swapping parts
to help get or keep that old classic scooter alive. If you are interested
please use the email form below and you will be contacted with information
on how to join after program is finished. Your personal information will
never be sold or shared with anyone outside of the parts exchange program.
And then no more contact information will be given to others than you are
comfortable with!