You know how it is: you buy one and you like it so much that you end up buying the whole damned company. Well in my case, it was only a series of games and a bit. This website is dedicated to all my Gottlieb System 80 pinball machines.

the Amazing Spider-man Panthera Circus
Counterforce Star Race James Bond 007
Time Line Force II Pink Panther
Mars god of war Volcano Black Hole
Haunted House Eclipse Devil's Dare
Caveman Rocky Spirit
Striker Q*Bert's Quest

Besides "playing" the games above, you may care to see some of the other pages here:
System 80 Overview System 80 Game List System 80 Service Bulletins System 80 Serial Numbers
Designers & Artists Gottlieb Patents Gottlieb Trademarks Door Sticker Evolution System 80 Links
System 2.5? Replacement System 1 & 80 Electronics Me & My 4-legged Friends Site Map

This site is still growing slowly as time allows. More pages and much information to come!
Please bookmark this page and check back regularly!

This website is a resource site for anyone interested in Gottlieb's oft maligned System 80 Series of pinball games. The sole objective is to inform, assist and enthuse others. The text is mine unless indicated and may not be used for commercial purposes including internet auctions. No interest is claimed to any of the copyrighted material contained within but anyone found stealing bandwidth by linking directly to images on this website will suffer the consequences (Ebayers beware!). Thanks to everyone that has contributed material and information, directly or otherwise, and for continuing to do so. 3 big cheers to all the pinball collectors that are helping to keep the name of Gottlieb pinball alive. To Gottlieb Development LLC, current owners of the Gottlieb name, please do the same.

Site last updated 13.February 2009
Contact me, Peter Hall, at Stork's Nest Pinball